Elder is stuck in the atlas.. help?

I'm looking for advise.

My atlas is 100% discovered. The elder influence started growing in top-right yellow map region and began spreading to the top-right tier 11-12 (red) maps. When Pit, Villa, and Factory (3 red maps) had elder influence, suddenly Pit & Factory had his guardians while Villa contained the elder.

The problem is that elder has 4 guardians which must be defeated before he can be fought. As the elder influence continued to spread to encompass entire top-right region of red maps, the other 2 guardians never appeared. I killed the only 2 guardians that did spawn, but that's not enough to make the elder spawn.

Since the other guardians are not spawning, how to I reset the elder? His control of the top-right section of the red maps doesn't break. If I clear one map to get shaper influence, 1-2 maps later elder takes over again.

I really want to finish The Memory Eater quest :-/
Last bumped on Feb 21, 2018, 8:08:53 PM
Screenshot would help.
If you actually only had 2 guardians spawn instead of 4 it's a bug
Thank you. I double checked and discovered that the other guardians did spawn, but they were in shaped yellow maps! After clearing them, the elder finally appeared in Villa.

Account inactive since Tencent majority share acquisition.
I really think that this post needs some attention since there is nothing to indicate that shaped maps can be targeted. It was by circumstance that due to Nubatack I came across a normal "shaped" map on the atlas that had a guardian on it.
Also, you don't have to run the shaped version of it to get the guardian battle. A normal copy works fine!
Confusing? Yes. Rewarding? https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Impresence_(Chaos) Yes.
spacestr wrote:
I really think that this post needs some attention since there is nothing to indicate that shaped maps can be targeted.

What makes you think they can't?

Maps occupied by the guardians or Elder have a distinct icon on the Atlas. To my knowledge this works for shaped maps just fine.
Because a particular guardian has the same indicator that a shaped map does, so the icon on the map for a yellow shaped map occupied by a guardian is indistinguishable from a shaped white map. They both have the thick border on the atlas.

For me, the difference in the look of the map on the atlas was so faint that I couldn't tell without help.

Edit: One guardian was yellow-orange color, just like a shaped map outline.
Last edited by spacestr on Feb 21, 2018, 8:10:01 PM

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