map stash tab

every couple days we get message ingame about a new item in stores to buy and everytime I run there thinking finally the map stash tab but nope. You said last month like on the 2nd that the guy in charge of that was on vacation and would be back in couple days. Well that was a month ago that is one hell of a vacation can I get a job there please.
Last bumped on Feb 15, 2018, 3:43:08 PM
nevermind just found this
Jeff, I was hoping this (the map stash tab) would be a hotfix patch this week :( But since there hasn't been a patch this week, how is the map stash tab looking?
ArcherNE wrote:
Jeff, I was hoping this (the map stash tab) would be a hotfix patch this week :( But since there hasn't been a patch this week, how is the map stash tab looking?


Lots of work has been done on it. It will be included in Xbox 3.1.4, which we expect to release by the end of next week. A formal patch status communication thread will be created soon with further updates.

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