Losing Elder Influence even when only fighting S-I maps

I've been trying to manage my atlas to get the Elder to appear, and twice in the past few days I've lost significant progress in expanding the Elder influence even though I've been only fighting S-I maps. It was my understanding that expanding E-I was predominantly through defeating bosses in S-I maps. Not sure if it's a bug or by design, but I've had the following results:

1. While in the process of doing a S-I map the Atlas updates to show it as E-I, even though I haven't fought the boss. I've usually aborted the map at this point to avoid killing the boss and potentially losing E-I.

2. While in the process of doing an S-I map, the Atlas updates and clears E-I from several maps. This can happen mid-map, before I kill the boss.

Is this related the random appearances of the Agent of the Void, perhaps? I'm not sure if that's common to all cases, as I don't recall if an Agent appeared the first time this happened, but I've had both of the above oddities happen in subsequent maps that had Agents, so maybe there's a link.
Last bumped on Jan 23, 2018, 12:53:04 PM
1. Influence changes on boss kill or 60%+ map clear, so no reason to skip boss in that case - map is not gona flip again.

2. Most likely happens because these several maps are connected to the rest by 1 map which can occasionally get taken by shaper and break elder influence there. Try to keep elder influence in one corner and have maps connected through more that 1 map

Killing spawns in maps (void dudes, portals) doesn't affect anything, other than your exp gain and drops :)
dag71 wrote:
I've been trying to manage my atlas to get the Elder to appear, and twice in the past few days I've lost significant progress in expanding the Elder influence even though I've been only fighting S-I maps. It was my understanding that expanding E-I was predominantly through defeating bosses in S-I maps. Not sure if it's a bug or by design, but I've had the following results:

1. While in the process of doing a S-I map the Atlas updates to show it as E-I, even though I haven't fought the boss. I've usually aborted the map at this point to avoid killing the boss and potentially losing E-I.

2. While in the process of doing an S-I map, the Atlas updates and clears E-I from several maps. This can happen mid-map, before I kill the boss.

Is this related the random appearances of the Agent of the Void, perhaps? I'm not sure if that's common to all cases, as I don't recall if an Agent appeared the first time this happened, but I've had both of the above oddities happen in subsequent maps that had Agents, so maybe there's a link.

1) Killing the boss is not the only way to 'finish' the map from an influence change point of view. If you kill enough packs of shaper mobs in a SI map, it'll lose SI halfway through your run etc. By Design. They dont want you farming the whole map, skipping the boss and having permanent SI/EI on any map you like.

2) See 1).

Think of the war as a chess game. Every time you run and 'complete' (doesnt have to be a boss kill, even just complete enough of the map) a map, the game progresses by 1 move. Now you control some of these moves by deciding whether to attack a SI or EI map. However, the shaper and elder are not sitting idly. Every now and then while you are making your 'move', the shaper or elder will make 1 too. So you'll attack 1 map on this side and elder will attack a different map on the other side and when the turn 'resolves' (you kill the boss or enough mobs), both results will reflect in your atlas as once.

I hope that makes sense

Thanks for both responses. I wasn't aware of the 60% clear aspect or the ability of the shaper to claim territory even when losing a map elsewhere.


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