Oni-Goroshi Lightning Strike Chieftain ~ Feedback Wanted

Saw the nifty demon-slaying sword and decided to go for making a build and incredibly obnoxiously-named character for it. I may still keep a leveled Heavy Strike on hand for some bosses, but for now I've found the most fun and effectiveness out of Lightning Strike. Hopefully my passive tree doesn't give any more experienced players a stroke :x

Current Passive Tree:

I basically just want to run around with all that fire-enhanced attack damage and settled on Chieftain, though I may try respeccing to Berserker in the future.

Gem Setup:

Oni-Goroshi - Lightning Strike + Endurance Charge on Melee Stun + Melee Physical + Elemental Damage to Attacks + Added Fire Damage + Multistrike

Boots - CWDT + Immortal Call and Blasphemy + Flammability

Gloves - Herald of Ash + Increased AoE + Burning Damage + Fire Penetration

Chest - Spell Totem + Scorching Ray + Iron Will + Burning Damage

Helm - Leap Strike + Blood Magic + Faster Attacks + Fortify

I would appreciate any feedback on if I have derped hard on any of my gem choices or possibly specced poorly/what keystone I should maybe focus on next. It feels pretty good so far with keeping my endurance charges up and leeching fire damage through Chieftain. I melt most everything and am only struggling on heavy chaos damage encounters or if I just eat a slam.

I have a few different unique items in mind for 70+, possibly trying Restless Ward for the endurance charge buffs on top of the leech I want to build more into and possibly a Bloodgrip. I've never downed Shaper or even regular Atziri, maybe this will be the season I try to push further into the endgame!
Last bumped on Jan 10, 2018, 1:11:04 PM

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