[Trade website] - no values in the whisper

I just tried the whisperfunction and searched for an exalted orb. Its a bit confusing.

That is my whisper

@JustGoWithItttttttttt Hi, I would like to buy your Exalted Orb listed for 0.125 in Harbinger (stash tab "hura"; position: left 20, top 23)

0.125 what? Bananas? Apples?

That seems to be, because the program only knows currencys as tradevalue. Everything else is " 2x unknown", "0.125 unknown" etc.
Last bumped on Nov 4, 2017, 3:28:48 AM
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Thanks for your report, we'll look into a fix.

Also, if you're searching for currency I'd recommend using the Bulk Item Exchange tab instead.
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