Area Reset Times unbalanced


normally I experienced these reset timers to be scaled with the size of the zone, with big ones having 15 minutes reset time, and smaller ones only 8... but now i saw, e.g. "Old Fields" last 15 minutes, while "The Riverways" which are almost double in size, last only 8 minutes.

So, on what does the time depend? Numbers of exists can't be the answer, as both mentioned example zones have 3 total exists. Would be good to instinctively know how long you can safely stay in town without need to STRG-click check on the entrance every time, since my formerly working guess-by-size led to failure now.
If there is no actual need to reduce the timer sometimes to 8 minutes, all areas could just last 15 minutes straightforwardly.

Finally, some people made a suggestion i want to re-establish here, that is a zone with an active portal lasts indefinitely --- this wouldn't cause much further server workload, since only 1 portal can be open at a time, so it will always be just 1 zone that's kept active.
Last bumped on Sep 25, 2017, 10:23:41 AM
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active instances take memory on the server. the more memory a server has the more instances it can allow to idle.

you can watch the remaining time of an instance in the instance manager which you can call by ctrl clicking a waypoint or instance entrance/exit.
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