Waypoint MTX

I would willingly pay for an MTX to change waypoint portal colors. I like the blue, but after 1000+ hours, a change would be nice. Maybe even an MTX that cycles through different colors.
Last bumped on Jul 31, 2017, 10:42:19 AM
I second this, definitely.

I'm thinking of a Necromancer-themed one which is like a grave with hands grasping out of it, or even just a bottomless open grave or an open grave with a green mist (matching necrotic or ghostflame effects) obscuring what's inside.

A rhoa nest would be cool, too. Scattered broken bones? A treasure hoard? A spacial void leading seemingly into nothingness or space?

Perhaps for now just add an upgrade option to hideouts to change the hideout waypoint to one thematically appropriate for that master in exchange for some favor. Tora's could be overgrown a bit with flowers and grass breaking up through the waypoint stones. Catarina's can have discarded bones on it. Haku's could have seashells around it. Things like that. These could be little changes that, hopefully, wouldn't require much time and effort to implement. More drastic skins could be something implemented as MTX in time, with this being a test to see if people would even be interested in waypoint MTX. You could collect data on how many people choose to upgrade their hideout waypoint, and which ones get chosen over others, and get an idea on what theme focus on first for waypoint MTX.
we need simple recolour options for a lot of things - not only for waypoint but also for skills.

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