Blade Flurry Stuck Bug


I can confirm and was confirmed by my GF also playing same spec, we have experienced a bug.

We are both BF, DW Scourge claw CI.

Not sure what triggers it since we cannot replicate but basically sometimes you will continually cast BF with no mana requirement but no damage will register as well, which usually leads to a RIP. Only way to stop the BF channel is if the server fixes itself (sometimes it does stop itself) or if you take out BF gem it also stops channeling (i can confirm this worked twice).

Basically something isn't right with BF and it's not just lags.

Thank You
Last bumped on Jun 21, 2018, 3:32:00 PM
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+1 . bug spam Blade Flurry, most damage if i spam blade flurry than if i just continue click on spell.
This happened to me in Breach and I was using a dagger if that helps.
seems to be better thx :) but not my weapon for Rush T_T
Can confirm as a CwC blade flurry dual Cospri's assassin. Difficult to replicate.
Had this 5 times yesterday in Harbinger Runs.

Solved it by hammering rmb like a mad man.

Dual Claw Berserker
kripdiggler wrote:

I can confirm and was confirmed by my GF also playing same spec, we have experienced a bug.

We are both BF, DW Scourge claw CI.

Not sure what triggers it since we cannot replicate but basically sometimes you will continually cast BF with no mana requirement but no damage will register as well, which usually leads to a RIP. Only way to stop the BF channel is if the server fixes itself (sometimes it does stop itself) or if you take out BF gem it also stops channeling (i can confirm this worked twice).

Basically something isn't right with BF and it's not just lags.

Thank You

THANK YOU for saying how to fix it! Just finished off Izaro the first time, and didn't want to leave the game!

Thanks again!

Last edited by MDMarshall on Jun 21, 2018, 3:32:21 PM

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