[2.6] Inquisitor Magma Orb Totem - Deathless Shaper video included

This build utilizes the new Magma Orb Threshold jewel's to get very fast clear speed and pretty good single target damage.


First off, let's start with the gear you need.

One of the most important pieces is the helmet enchant. 2 extra chains is really huge for magma orb.

The rest of the gear is fairly standard low life gear. If you can't afford a shavs, going CI is fine but you may have mana issues without a shavs.

Passive Tree


For leveling I recommend going flameblast totems. It's almost the same exact tree as this build. Magma orb doesn't really start to become as good/better than flameblast until you get the helm enchant and some more levels on it.


Your 6 link in your shavs will be- Magma orb- Faster Projectiles - Increased Crit Strikes -
Spell Totem - Controlled destruction - Added lightning. Switch out faster projectiles for pierce and added lightning for conc for boss killing

Other links-

CWDT- Immortal Call- Increased Duration- Vaal discipline
Blasphemy- Temporal Chains- Anger- Enlighten
Blood Magic- Clarity - Discipline - Enlighten
Shield Charge- Faster Attacks- Fortify
Lightning Golem- Minion Resist - Endurying Cry



Most important flasks are dying sun/diamond. The rest is kinda optional depending on your playstyle.
Dying sun adds a lot to your clear speed since magma orb benefits from both the added projectiles and the increased aoe.


Passive - Cast Speed- Passive

Ascendancy Points

Righteous Providence > Inevitable Judgement > Instruments of Virtue > Augury of Penitence


My tooltip dps is around 120k with faster/projectiles/added lightning. 180k with conc/pierce.
Edps is a bit higher around 350k for regular clearing and 450k for bosses. So when you count both totems the Edps is 900k, almost 1 million. Shaper goes down fast. See below for videos.

FB Totem vs Magma Orb Totem

I originally made this character as a FB totem build. I felt like FB Totem started to sort of fall off when you got to really high maps when it came to clear speed. Overall I think FB Totem is slightly worse than magma orb totems overall. FB Totem has stronger single target damage slightly,
but magma orb totems has quite a big faster overall clear speed.

Why faster projectiles/added lightning?

Faster projectiles is one of the best support gems for magma orb for general clearing.
Projectile speed increases the distance that the orb's can chain to. With faster projectiles and 5 chains the orbs are basically flying two screens away killing monsters

Added lightning wont give you the highest tooltip dps, but in my opinion it will give you the best clear speed. It allows you to shock everything but bosses which gives you a 40% more multiplier.
And it can easily be taken out and replaced with conc for anything that you can't shock (guardians/high hp bosses/shaper/etc)

Level 21 Magma orb/empower information

The level 21 gem on magma orb is very important because it gives you 3 chains instead of 2.I would level up a lot magma orb's in your off slots to try and get it. Because this is a niche build it's hard to buy one. But it can be cheap to level.

If you don't have a 21 magma orb. level 3/4 empower is a decent option for one of your links. I wouldn't replace faster projectiles/controlled destruction however but is a decent alternative to added lightning or increased crit strikes.

General mapping/clear speed tips

The build does a lot better on out door maps than it does in indoor ones. Giving the orb's lots of room to chain all over the place increases the clear speed a lot. You should try to place your totems in a way that allows the magma orb to chain forward instead of backwards. It's fairly simple to play build.

Map mods to avoid

The only support annoying map mod is ele reflect. Your totems die too quickly and it screws up your clear speed. Everything else is fine. Switch to a mana pot for no regen.



If you have any questions or comments about the build/guide feel free to leave them below.
IGN- FrOArrow
Last edited by FearTHeFrO on Apr 9, 2017, 5:40:59 PM
Last bumped on Jul 19, 2017, 10:46:25 PM
nice build
How do you utilize Elemental Eq with this build? Haven't played totems previously so I've no idea.
Amazing build, but a few questions:

1) Why not slower proj over pierce for bosses (slower proj, makes magma orb bounce closer maybe giving 2 hits to a boss with 1 orb + slower proj gives more dmg than pierce

2) did you try selfcast aswell?

edit: WTF are your jewels??? did you really mirror one?
Last edited by HardPrimat on Apr 9, 2017, 2:25:32 PM
HardPrimat wrote:
Amazing build, but a few questions:

1) Why not slower proj over pierce for bosses (slower proj, makes magma orb bounce closer maybe giving 2 hits to a boss with 1 orb + slower proj gives more dmg than pierce

2) did you try selfcast aswell?

edit: WTF are your jewels??? did you really mirror one?

Slower proj makes the orbs projectiles move slower, and sometimes the bosses can dodge out of the way and you just miss. Probably either one is fine but I personally didn't think 10% more damage was worth having my orbs be so slow. Also an enemy cannot be hit by more than 1 orb at once, they can never overlap.

I tried self cast very briefly, I'm sure it's fine I just prefer totems.

No I traded for them, and he probably got it mirrored from a jewelers strongbox that was corrupted.

Einea5mk wrote:
How do you utilize Elemental Eq with this build? Haven't played totems previously so I've no idea.

You don't use EE with this build because you are an inquisitor, so EE does nothing.
IGN- FrOArrow
5 link setup ? this build seems fun :D
mopzi wrote:
5 link setup ? this build seems fun :D

Magma Orb- Spell Totem- Increased Crit Strikes- Faster Projectiles - Controlled Destruction
IGN- FrOArrow
you think this build works with EK ?? with the new jewel :o?
vegamegagf wrote:
you think this build works with EK ?? with the new jewel :o?

I've played Ek Totems before, it works fine. But you would want to go occultist or pathfinder and not inquisitor.
IGN- FrOArrow
FearTHeFrO wrote:

Einea5mk wrote:
How do you utilize Elemental Eq with this build? Haven't played totems previously so I've no idea.

You don't use EE with this build because you are an inquisitor, so EE does nothing.

Oh yeah, my bad. Had another passive tree on my browser at the time. :)

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