Need advice on a performance issue

Hey fellow Exiles!

Ever since 2.6 was released, I have been having some pretty bad performance issues. I primarily play LHC, so it is really important I can find a solution.

Here is a brief summary of the problems:

1) When playing solo on my SRS Necromancer on the Texas server (~10ms avg ping), my screen will start to stutter step freeze like crazy when I move fast in combat and summon minions, cast spirit offering, and use flasks. These stutter step freezes increase in great frequency whenever I am casting or have 20 SRS out. I especially notice it gets worse when I am making a lot of key presses. SRS has a very high APM requirement and I am starting to wonder if I am meeting some kind of server command limit? Maybe it is that combined with auras (I run 4 auras)? So, interestingly enough, if I switch away from the Texas server to Washington DC (~50-60ms), these stutter step and freeze problems are almost non-existent. The problem is I don't particularly want to play with 50-60ms when I should be able to play on the Texas servers with 10ms. Can anyone explain why I am observing these differences between the two servers? I did not have these severe stutter step freezing issues before 2.6. it is important to note that if I turn lockstep off, these freezes turn into rubber banding. So, I am inclined to believe these issues are network related.

2) Whenever I play with a friend, I start stutter stepping and getting screen freezes every second that last about 0.2 to 0.3 seconds. If we add sextants to maps that add monsters, these freeze durations almost doubled and sometimes the game freezes for 2-3 seconds at a time. We have had to stop grouping up because of these lag issues.

My specs are as follows - NVidia GTX 1080 and an intel i7. I also directly connect to my router with an Ethernet cord. I run the game with DirectX 9ex with medium graphics settings and use Lockstep.

Any thoughts, advice, or suggestions are much appreciated. These freezes are really taking away from my enjoyment of the game since 2.6 and I'd like to get it fixed!
Last edited by Crebstar on Mar 20, 2017, 1:54:54 PM
Last bumped on Mar 20, 2017, 4:50:15 PM
Play with directx 11
Play max settings
Experiment full screen or full screen windowed
Update your drivers
Experiment ssd or no ssd
I don't think my issues are my GPU or CPU being bound personally. Evidence points to packet loss communicating with Texas servers.

I have tried fiddling around with those various settings that I can tweak but have had no luck.

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