What's "in" in Meta?

Returning user trying to get an idea of what the FotWs are in Breach
Last bumped on Dec 11, 2016, 9:23:58 PM
Returning user trying to get an idea of what the FotWs are in Breach

Poison heavy Blade flurry assassins, pizza totems, inquisitors and if your playing hardcore, RIpping
It's awesome how people tend to mix up meta and fotm.

They are somehow related but not how one would expect.

Meta is double dip / CI / VP

Fotm is flurry / fbt

They are related because fotm makes a great usage of the meta but THAT'S IT !

So no flurry isn't "meta".
Nope scourge isn't "meta" either.
They are just going to nerf all that stuff just like they nerfed blade vortex.

Pick something that's not "in". If they see too many people having fun with one thing, they won't let that stand.
iofhua1 wrote:
They are just going to nerf all that stuff just like they nerfed blade vortex.

Pick something that's not "in". If they see too many people having fun with one thing, they won't let that stand.

For people that play temp leagues (which is the majority), this doesn't matter. The sweeping nerfs don't really happen until after the league has ended.
Docbp87 wrote:
iofhua1 wrote:
They are just going to nerf all that stuff just like they nerfed blade vortex.

Pick something that's not "in". If they see too many people having fun with one thing, they won't let that stand.

For people that play temp leagues (which is the majority), this doesn't matter. The sweeping nerfs don't really happen until after the league has ended.

Very true, and I'm playing Fire Nova Mine Shadow at the moment - was just looking for more viable fun in the next build
Docbp87 wrote:

The sweeping nerfs don't really happen until after the league has ended.

Tell that to my Warchiefs totems that got tauntnerfed mid league. Meanwhile 3 other builds that just hold 1 button AFK shaper. GGG pls.

Edit: silly auto-correct.
Last edited by hoodar on Dec 8, 2016, 6:06:31 PM
iofhua1 wrote:
They are just going to nerf all that stuff just like they nerfed blade vortex.

Pick something that's not "in". If they see too many people having fun with one thing, they won't let that stand.

I don't like it, but it makes sense.

Blade Flurry is their new shiny skill. Breach is their new shiny league. I don't think GGG would view it as a success if majority of people playing the new league was not playing blade flurry.

Makes good business sense to make Blade Flurry super strong and once a new league comes out with a new gem, they'll do the same with that ability.

D3 does the exact same thing, they're just way more obvious about it.
Last edited by Ratedetar on Dec 8, 2016, 6:30:52 PM
hoodar wrote:
Docbp87 wrote:

The sweeping nerfs don't really happen until after the league has ended.

Tell that to my Warchiefs totems that got tauntnerfed mid league. Meanwhile 3 other builds that just hold 1 button AFK shaper. GGG pls.

Edit: silly auto-correct.

It was ultimately a pretty mild change. Still had Guardians and Shaper on lock afterwards.
Pizza Blast and Bladeflurry need to be nerfed immediately, the fact that they are out performing every other build but such an insane margin is warrant for a nerf.
ProbablyGettingNerfed - L100 Occultist
Vinktarded - L100 Pathfinder
GoogleDiversityHire - L100 Necromancer

3.13 was the pinnacle of PoE. IVYS+1 Gang 4 Life.

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