account hacked twice plz help

hello,ive played poe since release and had to take a 2 year break due to personal reasons when I came back to the game yesterday I notice all my items that were worth a nice amount were gone + currecnys I chalked it up to mayb me selling them b4 I quit and forgot but then while playing yesterday night for the 1st time after coming back I was lucky enough to find an exalted orb and was super excited because now I can actually make a decent build so I used the exalted to trade for an aegis aurora 1 divine and 5 gcp and made a block chance build around 2am est I got off the game logging out now when I logged on at 12pm est today my pw would not work and it said I was logging from different location which was Washington and I'm in florida so I changed pw when I finally get on my aegis divine and 5gcp were gone!which then made me relize that all my old items 6L currecnys countless uniques were also stolen I changed my email and my pw hopefully that keeps whoever off my account as far as my items I don't know if anyone can help me recover all that lost time and effort.if there is anything ggg can do for me plz any help is much appreciated!
Fellow gamer
Last bumped on Oct 21, 2016, 2:05:28 PM
Hi there,

I'm very sorry to hear about what happened, please email your account details to if you have any questions related to this.

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