miss my "Infernal Throne"

I lost at least 2 of my challenger trophies and "Infernal Throne Decoration". They didn't returns to MTX page after the hideout merge in the end of previous league. Look's like they remained in the previous league hideout that does not exist for me, since the prev.league character converted to the Standart.
Last bumped on Oct 21, 2016, 7:19:57 AM
Hey there!

When a temporary league merges into a permanent league, this migration also includes your hideout and masters. If you already have a hideout, then whichever one has more decorations in use will be the one you keep; all the decorations in the one that isn't going to be used are swept into your hideout decoration tabs for safe-keeping :)

I've taken a look into this for you, and your Prophecy and Perandus trophies and Infernal Throne are all in your Standard hideout decoration tab.
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Queen of Padlocks
Good to know. Thank you for problem solving.

Have a nice day.

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