Patch 2.4.0g Hotfix

We have just deployed a quick hotfix that will prevent instance crashes of map with the Deadly Rivalry V prophecy active.

Last bumped on Feb 18, 2017, 4:25:53 PM
Instance crash, game crash, checking resources for 10 min.
Rip my map
Why is this "Checking resources" forever still a thing?
lag is bigger than ever now
Omg, there is so much lag... I've never experienced so much lag until now.

So my ping in Paris in the login screen is 32ms, Frankfurt 46ms, London 50ms, and login into the game and it changes the gateway to Frankfurt with a fluctuation of 150-350 ms

What did you fixed GGG?
laggspikes every 2min isnt cool why the laggspikes happening?

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