Males will become extinct... The process has already started.

"Another... Solwitch thread." AST
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"...our most seemingly ironclad beliefs about our own agency and conscious experience can be dead wrong." -Adam Bear
Last bumped on Aug 10, 2016, 6:18:53 AM
cybernetics = above link is pointless.
Last edited by bl00dengel on Aug 7, 2016, 12:35:32 AM
Saw a documentary about this several years ago about the y chromosome in males is gradually decaying because there is no copy like xx to take healthy bits from or something.

What we need is a scientific way to introduce a 'cogenitor' - a tertiary gender involved in the current male/female mating process to provide an additional copy of a y chromosome so the male has some healthy y chromosome bits to fill in his own not so good parts.
5 million years. It is more likely civilization will end long before this, and if it doesn't, we will have solved the issue by then.
yeah but, isnt the keyword predict? like, cmon, lets be serious, we're human, and we're super retarded.

we thought the world would end on 2012, we made books/movies based around it, people committed suicide based around it, i'm almost certain that as earth ages, we get slightly more stupid.

Males can't go extinct, otherwise the human race will be like, screwed >_> and not by the males ;)

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As if dudes will matter in 5 million years. If anything is alive on earth in 5 million years, it will definitely be neither male nor female.
Just think about it... the technology we have these days is the result of around 10000 years of development, and only REALLY started around 3000 years ago. If the human race manages to survive 5 million years, then we could most likely fix it.
But I doubt that we'll survive that long, the reason being the yellowstone supervolcano or some meteorote or something like that.
I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
FCK42 wrote:
But I doubt that we'll survive that long, the reason being the yellowstone supervolcano or some meteorote or something like that.

Or ourselves. Probably ourselves, actually.

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