
Last edited by mosesyr on Feb 5, 2017, 9:58:56 AM
Last bumped on Jul 5, 2016, 12:07:42 AM
Yes that bow is pretty good, but not if you already have voltaxic!

Flat phys (if it will fit on) or attack speed would both be good additions to that bow if you do want to mastercraft something on to it. Not sure it would be worth the chaos orbs though.
Face it, all of your suggestions are worse than this idea:
If you're self found that's a pretty good bow. Craft on flat phys and go. You're either not self found or you were insanely lucky enough to find Voltaxic on an archer, though. In that case it's vendor trash. Crit builds want a base with a crit implicit and non-crit builds want better damage and attack speed.
Thats nice. Try to craft something on it too.
Jennik wrote:
If you're self found that's a pretty good bow. Craft on flat phys and go. You're either not self found or you were insanely lucky enough to find Voltaxic on an archer, though. In that case it's vendor trash. Crit builds want a base with a crit implicit and non-crit builds want better damage and attack speed.

Voltaxic has two different prophecies that yield it. One from a rare kill, another from the anarchy's end chain(you get a full set of Anarchy's Price cards). It's pretty easy to get this league even without trading.
While it shows up nice and purty, the 124% increased physical is really less important than it looks, because it isn't further affected by +% increased from the passive tree. You really want a high X-Y physical, which doesn't look so hot on your bow, but is affected by the +% inc from the tree.
Last edited by Entropic_Fire on Oct 26, 2016, 8:28:59 PM
Yeah, disregard shagsbeard entirely. Craft flat phys on that bow via Tora and it'll be a decent endgame option.

Edit: and then yolo exalt hoping to god for attack speed ;P
Last edited by codetaku on Jul 4, 2016, 10:21:14 PM
Yeah, disregard shagsbeard entirely. Craft flat phys on that bow via Tora and it'll be a decent endgame option.

Edit: and then yolo exalt hoping to god for attack speed ;P

If you're going to exalt it, better to craft attack speed first, then exalt hoping for flat phys. Many of the other prefix options you might get instead (flat damage of another type, hybrid phys, etc...) would still give the bow better dps. Whereas attack speed is pretty much the only suffix you might want, and there are lots of bad suffix options left. (eg: reduced stat requirements, stun duration, proj speed, life/mana on kill, resistances, dex, ...)
Face it, all of your suggestions are worse than this idea:
Last edited by dudiobugtron on Jul 4, 2016, 10:33:04 PM
dudiobugtron wrote:
Yeah, disregard shagsbeard entirely. Craft flat phys on that bow via Tora and it'll be a decent endgame option.

Edit: and then yolo exalt hoping to god for attack speed ;P

If you're going to exalt it, better to craft attack speed first, then exalt hoping for flat phys. Many of the other prefix options you might get instead (flat damage of another type, hybrid phys, etc...) would still give the bow better dps. Whereas attack speed is pretty much the only suffix you might want, and there are lots of bad suffix options left. (eg: reduced stat requirements, stun duration, proj speed, life/mana on kill, resistances, dex, ...)

OP, please disregard anyone telling you to exalt that bow. The bow is junk. You can get a better bow on poe.trade for a few chaos, but most people will probably spend the 10+ it takes to get a far superior bow. That bow isn't worth remotely close to an exalt, and no amount of luck with said exalt could make that bow become worth an exalt.

It is a bad bow for anyone who isn't playing self found. If nothing else, check poe.trade for similar and better bows (and not Thickets with similar rolls, but actual good crit bows and actual good non-crit bows). That will explain how bad your bow is is better than I ever could.

Voltaxic has two different prophecies that yield it. One from a rare kill, another from the anarchy's end chain(you get a full set of Anarchy's Price cards). It's pretty easy to get this league even without trading.

Both of those prophecies are very rare, and the one for a regular Voltaxic was made even more so when GGG lowered the chance to get backtracking prophecies. Even with both of those prophecies available, he'd have to be lucky to have a Voltaxic playing self found. I oversold it with "insanely" lucky, though.
Last edited by Jennik on Jul 5, 2016, 12:09:10 AM

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