What is wrong with my shadow flicker strike build?

Hi guys,

I am new player and need your help :). I saw great build on yt - shadow for flicker build. I tried to do the same. What is my main problem:
- low hp - 2300hp
- low energy shield - 4000
- low dps - for flicker strike it is 5k - damage per use

passive tree is below:

My profile you can see on forum (gear and gems).

I cant do anything above Map 4... also I am dying instantly trying to do labiryth on merciless lvl (killed by boss).
I have some chaos orbs to send and I need your recomendation what I should change here :).

If you need any additional information please let me know. I am counting on you!

Best regards,
Last bumped on Jun 28, 2016, 12:40:18 PM
Your characters are hidden, so I can't see your gear and links. Without seeing what gear you have on, it makes it sorta hard to help with the tree, as I don't know where we can upgrade gear and shift points around on the tree.

I play a Flicker striker as well. More to the point, this one, albeit I play it dual wielding and a few other tweaks to my playstyle: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1617631/page/1

Take a look at the gear and link sections specifically.

"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning."

"Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!"
Now you should see my gear, sorry for incovience
Drop those block nodes to the right of Void Barrier/Depth perception. Don't go for Conduit and as such, get rid of that Int Node to the left of Melding where you have that Veridian Jewel (if you can). Go grab a couple of the mana leech nodes from Essence Sap (Do it one at a time so you can see if you need to grab another one or not).

Drop the sleight of hand node and the two surrounding it. Instead, go get Assassination and the 2 crit nodes around it. Grab Trickery while you are there, if you can. Drop the left damage and accuracy node from Nightstalker. It's better used elsewhere.

This is sorta hard, since you run a hybrid build. It'd be nice to be able to drop those boots for Blood Dance. It would also be nice for you to pickup Acro and Phase Acro, to help keep you alive..but it's going to lower your ES pool. Plus, with Blood Dance, you'd generate frenzy charges without having to dual curse (and you could then get a better ring) plus it gives Life Regen at the same time. Added to Blood Rage's charge generation, you'd always have charges. Also, picking up a Rumi's Flask for one of your Promises' would just about offset losing the boots.

Phys to lightning support gem. You kinda have 2 choices. I would go with either Added Fire or Life leech (since I don't really see any in your tree and you only have Blood Rage). For DPS, Added Fire, for living, Life leech.

Warlord's Reach and Conqueror's Efficiency. Warlord's reach you probably don't need, so getting more damage from a jewel is probably a good option here. As for the CE Jewel, does that build need it? If not, then again, more damage from a jewel.

That's at least what I would do. There are people out there better than this than I am.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning."

"Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!"

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