Chaos / Regal Recipe and the known Unid/ID struggle.

Hello Exiles,

Yeah my question is probably discussed a lot and I read a ton of different points of few here and on Reddit, yet I wanted some fresh opinions.

What do you do?
Do you ID or UNID all? Or maybe Unid all and ID them after ilvl 70 or so.
What is your strategy and why.

What I feel like I should do..
Ok so from all that I read I feel like best would be to ID all high bases after lvl 70 and UNID all in 60-70. Though it might be good to get UNIDs of lowtier bases and ID high bases. Problem then are Amus and Rings since they are so rare. I felt like there are only some (coral,twostone,diamond,Onyx,double-stat amus) that maybe should be ID and stuff like Paua or single stat amus can be kept UNID but its an extremely tough call.

Advice, opinions, help is / are very welcome.
Last bumped on May 5, 2016, 4:05:06 PM
I start the leagues iding all of it. When I start getting stuff 75+, I stop iding the stuff under 75. By then I'm reminded once again how crappy 99% of drops are. So in this half of the league I'm doing the 2 chaos recipe and 1 regal orb recipe.
Guild Leader The Amazon Basin <BASIN>
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If I'm not interested in certain jewlery but am interested in others
I will unid the uninteresting and ID the interesting.

the jewlery is the value here, most of the time the other
unid items are not. if for example one of the unids is an ideal
type of armor then id it too.

later on when mapping 75 area if one is not interested in regals
so much as for chaos, mix at least 1 non 75 item in the mix.

I am far more likely to do the id rare recipy with higher level
jewlery, and with higher base stats.

I might be interested in gold rings... but a 7% gold ring? not so much.
it MIGHT roll some heavy stats and warrant a blessed but probably not.

its all about hedging your bets based on your jewlery interest.

I end up dedicating 2 tabs for unid gear sets and seperating the
quality gear over 10% for the purpose of upgrading a maybe 60-70%
quality set to a 100% quality set for the extra unit. be it regal or chaos.

unsocket rings are obviousy the easiest rings to sacrifice to a unid recipy.
I can kinda get mark1030 strat but for AgnosiousD, ..

If I'm not interested in certain jewlery but am interested in others
I will unid the uninteresting and ID the interesting.

Yep that is a point, yet I wonder if single stat amu for example and iron rings and single resi rings arent alrdy worse then double stat amus or two stone rings so that you can always sacrifice them to the UNID recipe.

unsocket rings are obviousy the easiest rings to sacrifice to a unid recipy

You mean Unset Rings?! Because isnt it that unset rings(the one with socket) are kinda bad and if anything it are the resi/iir/crit rings we prolly want to see 'naked'?
personally I ID everything, I never do it blind.

I would advise the opposite to everyone else though, always do unid recipe, it keeps the rare item saturation on the server down and leaves more trade opportunities for those of us who id stuff. Honestly you are better off just not looting rares at all, you clear faster, find way more currency, then you can just use all that currency to buy your items from me.

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