how to count my dps from wild strike

Hi everyone i'm confused at one thing. I got my character related to critical strike that is base of my build and i wonder how big dps i rly have on my wild strike.
My character look like on above, my critical strike chance is over 94%, multi is 454% and with 3 frenzy charges i got 50k dmg but is it all ? or its more of it when i critically strike or with the multi critical ? can someone explain it to me ?
Last bumped on Apr 30, 2016, 6:20:17 AM
OI CROCKIES a wild strike user these are a rare signing as they an endangered species.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Why do you need to know? Will it help you in any way? btw. it´s dps not dmg and it´s your average damage per second so yes, crit chance is already counted in. But it doesn´t take in consideration monster resistances so your phys part of attack is way more important.. and don´t try to compare with different skills - it´s useless too.. ._.

Btw. as I check the screen again, you should more worry about life.
Last edited by NarraX1337 on Apr 30, 2016, 6:21:00 AM

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