[2.2] Meleemancer, Complete Domination

Hello all. Today I'm hear to show you a very... odd build that combines the aspects of a necromancer... with dominating blow. You heard me. A melee witch. They're not all that common, but I wanted to make this work, and somehow, it DOES work. This build only comes online at around 69, similar to Righteous Fire due to Rise of the Phoenix, so if you can't wait till then, don't do this build.

The concept of the build was to make a witch that fought WITH minions, rather than sit and wait for minions to explode on people's faces with minion instability or letting spectres do work.

What is Dominating Blow?
Some people think of this ability as the solo lag build. It kinda does lag you, if you hit like 60 minions consistently. Dominating Blow is an enhanced melee attack with a more damage multiplier, but it doesn't look anything special. It's not flash like Earthquake and whatnot, but the fun part is this: Once the enemy reaches 0 hp, it automatically comes to your side, and fights FOR YOU. That's 20 seconds of any mobs (white blue, or rare) killing things that you should be killing. Uniques can't be dominated (For obvious reasons)

What are the pros of Dominating Blow?
- Auras on rares can apply to you and your party mates
- You can be a tad lazy on not killing things because the things you dominated are killing things

What are the cons of Dominating Blow?
- High mana costs with links (Could reach 90 mana with a 6 link)
- Must be in melee range to apply the debuff
- Debuff only lasts so long as YOU are hitting
- You can miss melee attacks
- Mobs deal less damage on your side if not supported

Now before I get further into the build, you're probably wondering: Why a Necromancer? The reason should be obvious: Mistress of Sacrifice and Spirit Eater. They provide the following:

Mistress of Sacrifice:
- Offerings Affect you and Minions

Spirit Eater:
- 40% increased damage if you've consumed or destroyed a corpse recently

They EXTREMELY powerful buffs make this a little absurd. You're going super fast, and doing enough damage to dominate things fast enough before your minions expire. Also it's a little funny at times seeing a flat chested little girl hit things with a giant mace.


Skill Tree

Explanation on Choices

-We start on the spell damage side of the witch tree (The spell damage will be converted with a special item)
-Quickly rushed down the left side for all the spell damage nodes (You're gonna need them for leveling)
-Rushed Skill duration for DomBlow (DO NOT USE STORM CALL OR ANY SPELL THAT RELIES ON DURATION, THIS WILL REDUCE YOUR DPS) You're better off using Spark (Which is actually okay with skill duration) and other things
-Rushed life nodes and life regeneration (Anything defensive)
-Pathed down to Master of the Arena and Art of the Gladiator
-Slowly grabbed the damage nodes for Kongor's
-Grab Jewel sockets asap as these can provide early game damage and late game damage once you switch them out.


Why Kongor's Undying Rage?
Simple: Our hits can't be evaded. Not only does this make SURE we get those rares dominated, it also saves 4 passive points on the tree. It also does a WHACK LOAD of damage. It also provides much needed resistances because we lose a shield.

Another reason on why I picked a two handed weapon is because they are more easily accessed from the Witch tree. They also are close to several good clusters for defensive nodes, such as Blunt instrument, and Combat Stamina. We also rush down to master of the Arena for the tasty +2 weapon range.

Why Crown of Eyes?
We have to start off as a spellcaster. We grab every SPELL damage node on the tree (Including the templar nodes). This way we can use spark/orb of storms for leveling, and it won't feel terrible. This is also your way through labyrinth. Once a Crown of Eyes is equipped, those nodes become ATTACK damage nodes, which affect your damage with dominating blow.


Dominating Blow -> Melee Splash -> Melee Physical Damage -> Added Fire Damage -> Multistrike - > Increased Duration
For the 4 links:
Cast when Damage Taken (Level 1) -> Flesh Offering -> Enfeeble -> Convocation

This setup is to activate buffs when needed, debuff enemies so you don't die, and bring the dominated minions to you

Spell Totem - Summon Skeletons -> Minion Speed -> Minion Life

Your meat wall for bosses if you need it, but I'm finding I don't actually need it

Enduring Cry, Clarity, Hatred -> Enlighten

Hatred to buff you AND your minions, clarity, because DomBlow is a huge mana sink, and enduring cry for charges.

Weapon Link [WIP]

Normal - Oak(40 Life)
Cruel - Oak(16% Physical Damage)
Merciless - Kill all OR Oak (1 Endurance Charge)

Problematic Map mods
Blood Magic - Circumvented by Crown of Eyes Leech and health potions
No Regen - Mana leech from Crow of eyes, but a mana leech or mana pot isn't a bad idea
Curse mods - Temp chains affect you, but not your mobs. Once you get kicking, replace Leap slam with flame dash (I carry both) and go at it.

Now this may sound weird, but twinned boss can be a problem if you don't have many minions. Any bosses that spawn minions however, alleviate the pain. Still, that's why you have a skelly brotem setup.

I have personally done T8's without much of a problem, so long as I rushed the boss first while grabbing mobs on the way to them. Stacking a basalt and a granite flask on top of each other helps a TON with physical mitigation.

In the Perandus League, you can dominate Perandus monsters. If the Perandus chest runs out of mobs, it'll spawn MORE, which means MORE monsters for you to dominate. Remember that magma orb river? Yeah, it's a party now!

Every strongbox must be opened, as they provide more reinforcements :D
Unique Map Making~


I like music. Do you like music? Cause I sure as hell like a lot of random music.
Last edited by SerythXavier on Apr 13, 2016, 2:56:45 PM
Last bumped on Apr 19, 2016, 3:34:12 AM
Version Patches
1.0 Guide Made

1.1 Added Bandits Section
Added Map Mods Section
Added Fun Facts Section
Unique Map Making~


I like music. Do you like music? Cause I sure as hell like a lot of random music.
Last edited by SerythXavier on Apr 13, 2016, 2:56:58 PM
What map mods does this build have problems doing? What's the highest level tier map you have completed?

Also please add in bandits if possible.

Last edited by Zeromous on Apr 9, 2016, 12:00:19 PM
If I ever get Shadowplay to work for Path of exile on steam (which for some reason, doesn't) I'll also post a video of some map runs.
Unique Map Making~


I like music. Do you like music? Cause I sure as hell like a lot of random music.
can DomBlow be triggered by ignite damage by chance? Does that work? had a neat idea around a fire frenzy 2h meleemancer build :P
thr1c3 wrote:
can DomBlow be triggered by ignite damage by chance? Does that work? had a neat idea around a fire frenzy 2h meleemancer build :P

Degeneration damage like Ignite does not 'hit', meaning it cannot apply any on-hit effects like Dominating Blow's debuff. If burning damage kills a monster with that debuff already applied the monster will become a minion, but Ignite cannot do it alone.
As stated above, you must HIT the monster for it to apply the debuff. If degen worked, I'd abuse poison damage somewhere =/
Unique Map Making~


I like music. Do you like music? Cause I sure as hell like a lot of random music.
I refuse to play DB builds until GGG fix their interaction with Bloodlines, and so far to my knowledge they haven't and aren't planning to.

To those who don't know about this - Bloodlines mobs which you dominate apply their on-death effects as if you are their enemy. And these effects are amplified by all your minion dmg.

Have fun with 5000 chaos degen per second chaos clouds spawning when one of your dominated mobs die.

You will be both killing yourself and PKing people you party with.
Increasing Field of View in PoE: /1236921
Last edited by Shajirr on Apr 20, 2016, 9:56:37 AM

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