Strongboxes in signature race


Did anyone notice an Arcanist's Strongbox during the signature race? If so, where did you see it?
Dried lakes
lllllDanziGGlllll - 100 Ranger ~ HOGM
Mirror Service: View-thread/2479762
So, not before Act 3 or 4. Thanks you very much.
I would assume there are no Arcanist's Strongbox in the Winterheart Signature race.

Chris wrote:
In addition to not having Rogue Exiles or Masters, Signature races no longer have Strongboxes, Tormented Spirits, Bloodlines Mods or Nemesis Mods. Signature races no longer give points for side objectives, like full-clearing zones or being the first to complete quest objectives. They're entirely about racing.

ChronoExile wrote:
I would assume there are no Arcanist's Strongbox in the Winterheart Signature race.

Chris wrote:
In addition to not having Rogue Exiles or Masters, Signature races no longer have Strongboxes, Tormented Spirits, Bloodlines Mods or Nemesis Mods. Signature races no longer give points for side objectives, like full-clearing zones or being the first to complete quest objectives. They're entirely about racing.


They said signature race, but they really meant featured race, as in WHC045, the 24-hour boss kill, nicknamed Arctic. The Arctic mod was 20 additional strongboxes per area, and roaming areas of cold damage on the map.

The mod applied beginning in Twilight Strand, so normal strongbox rules were altered for the race. Normally, strongboxes cannot appear before the Submerged Passage since the last set of changes to strongboxes. There are also specific level thresholds for certain affixes, some as high as level 45 (singularity), but I hadn't experienced not being able to find the strongbox type at all until a certain level. I am wondering if they altered the proportion of the boxes for this race to give an edge, but not have everyone drowning in currency. Gemcutter's were abundant, even in very early Act 2, and I know in regular play I have found at least one Arcanist's well before I have ever found a Gemcutter's. The rate for Jeweller's also seemed a bit skewed early on compared to other box types also.

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