CWDT+Flamedash+Phase Run

I wanted to merge CWDT with Flame Dash and phase run so when I take damage I move to another location and gain phase run so when I attack again I have the phase run buff. But I've seen that phase run seems to not cast except from time to time. I've tryied to take flame dash out but it seems its the same.

Anyone knows why?

Well,a time ago I've tested both skills,and they were triggered as expected.What lv your CWDT has?
The usual level, CWDT levl 1 and the rest lvl 5

Currently I'm using it in a 4 linked helmet With: CWDT(LVL1)+Flame Dash(LVL5)+TemporalChains(lvl5)+Phase Run (Lvl5)
and the only one that never casts its Phase run, but its strange because if I search in the shortcut key panel of skills and put the cursor over the phase run skill the popup message of "you cannot cast this skill directly" appears, and also there is this little red square on the top that means it is affected by a support gem.

I dont really know whay.
I now examined more about this and I thought that the skill was afected but now I've seen that not. Having the phase run lvl 5 linked to cwdt lvl 1 dont gets the first one affected.
It's like they were in non linked sockets.
Phase run has a cooldown, cwdt does not bypass cooldown.
Also, CwDT casts the spells in order. If you place Phase Run before Flame Dash, you'll cast Phase Run first, then Flame Dash and Phase Run will immediately end.
And indeed the 4 second cooldown time might be it too.
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Im sure its not the cooldown because it doesnt even trigger a single time. The order of the gems could be an option, but I tryied to put CWDT with Phase run alone and still the same problem, it doesn't trigger...
As I said, in the skill shortcut keys menu it doesnt appear as affected by any support gem, wich is fucking strange.

A lv5 Phase Run has a level requirement of 42, which is higher than a lv1 CwDT can Support.
OOoooh!! That was the answer!
thanks a lot!

By the way I discovered that in a flicker strike build phase run its not a good idea...

thanks to everybody.

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