My 450/472 upvotes review was removed from the Steam store page for no reason

Samkiud wrote:

Maybe GGG got salty for something there, but I see no explanation or justification for this, whereas we see trolly, childish and useless "reviews" in the front:

As your first link proves, your review was not removed/deleted.

It has, however, fallen off the front page, probably due to not being very recent.

I'm not sure exactly how Steam prioritizes reviews, but even when selecting "Helpful" it still appears to be strongly favoring recent 1/1=100% reviews over older, helpful ones. With the default "helpful" filter applied, I had to scroll through over 400 reviews before I found one posted in May... and yours was posted in April. The sorting/filter algorithms are not something we have control over.

If you click the "Browse all 17k+ reviews" link at the bottom, and view the most helpful reviews of all time, then your review appears in the top 10.
Code warrior
Guys, chill. No apology is necessary. The confusion has been cleared up. Don't be dicks.

's all good, maaaaan.
Code warrior

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