Failed to connect to instance


Anyone else having a failed to connect to instance problem on the EU servers? Its happened to me on the London and Amsterdam servers...

Typically when using a waypoint or tp... either from town to a standard map or from an activated map back and forth from the Hideout...

Drops me out to the login screen with the error (bottom left). This has happened about 10 times in the last day or so... In comparison - this probably only happened 10 times before in the 1000+ hours I have played POE.

There does not seem to be anything on the link that is causing this.. i.e. lag is at 'normal' levels... there are no spikes in WinMTR or Pingplotter traces running when this happens... There are no reported packet loss... I can play the map/location without any problem until I try to hit a waypoint/tp..

Interestingly, when creating a new set of map portals in the Hideout, it also seem to be taking longer than normal - perhaps a second or two when previously its half a sec... Once created the maps seem fine..

I am also not being dumped with unexpected disconnects or any of the usual problems caused by lag...

Any ideas what is causing this - or are the servers just having a problem creating new instances...


Hey there, I'm sorry to hear you're having this problem! Are you able to confirm for me, are you playing in a group or are you playing solo? And also, do you still get the "failed to connect to instance" error when playing on different gateways (other than London + Amsterdam)?
Contact us at!
Solo play...

I only really connect to Amsterdam (primary) and London (secondary) to play... over the years Amsterdam is the most reliable so its the one I play on the most... I have experienced problems with London network related issues so I only play on it if Amsterdam seems problematic.

I play from South Africa so I get about 170-180ms - which is perfectly playable - if you have a good immortal call setup to save you from the occasional mistimed crit/flask drink sequence.. ;-)

I don't really play on any other servers - the US and AUS/NZ are way too slow for me with 350-450ms or more and I have never really had a good result from the Frankfurt one - I think the links from SA are mainly London/Amsterdam peered so Germany seems slow for me even though the ping times are around 190-200ms.

The problem has happened twice again since my post... once on Amsterdam and once on London... and again ONLY when using a TP/WP... Normal play is perfectly fine...

Hmm... seems like my problem is being experienced by plenty of people and not just on the EU servers..... check the other threads...
I experiencing the same problem....

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