What are the stats to look for in magic/rare items, generally?

I know it's HP, armor(etc.) %, resistances. Is there anything else? I often get items with various options, like extra elemental damage for weapons... But somehow I look sideways at that - at higher levels (50-60+ especially) you're gonna have +physical damage unless you've a very specialized build, so the elemental damage will simply be negligible. That's for say two-handed clubs, swords, claws, daggers, two-handed swords, two-handed axes, axes, etc.. I just stuffed a lot of them to the vendor today, unless they had equal elemental damage to the physical damage. As for armor, I don't think I've found another stat that I'd consider useful. So I'm rather curious, actually...
If it is gear I do the basics.

Check is it has ES: if it does check to see if it is higher than normal, like 200 on gloves or 800 on chest.

Check life rolls. If the gear does not have at leave over 50 (I consider 70 acceptable) I vendor it.

Check movespeed: For boots check for a movespeed roll. If it does not and can't have it crafted vendor it. Only exception is if you have stupid ES like over 200.

Check resits: If it does not have resits it is vendored. Their are exceptions like unset rings with tons of dex but I am talking about basics.

That's for gear and jewellery, for weapons I

Check the spell damage and spell crit. If crit is over 50 or increased spell damage over 100 you are set, that includes something like 60 spell damage and 40 fire damage. All other wands and daggers get vendored

Check increased physical. You will have a very hard time selling a physical weapon without an increased physical damage over 100. if not vendor.

Check flat physical. Increased is necessary but a weapon gets its damage from its flat physical. Even with incredibly increased physical without flat physical or the chance to craft flat physical it get vendored.

Check base type item level. Higher level weapons deal more damage! adjust price accordingly. Stuff like flat physical on rings or weapon elemental damage on quiver or physical leached as life on amulet all raise the price if it passes the above test.
"ran out of high teir maps to leave on the ground - people kept taking the higher teirs" - Da Pagionator

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