Cast on Melee Kill Doryani's Fist Discharger

Hey, I'm not gonna plan on putting much here unless there's a lot of interest. It's fairly straightforward, anyway - you cyclone and things die. If things are too tanky and don't die right away, you cyclone differently and hope for the best. It's not meant to be the most endgame of endgame builds, but that's okay with me because I find it fun. It can still go up to 75-77 maps, but I just cruise around at low 70's since it's more enjoyable that way. Probably not suited for hardcore very well, but who knows - maybe you'll take some inspiration and tweak it to make it so. Anyway, here's my gear and passive tree, as well as a low quality video that showcases its clearspeed and playstyle a bit.


Passive Tree

Last edited by SoLunAether on Sep 28, 2015, 11:06:25 PM

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