Why Totems do not use "Adds x-y Elem Damage" on wand?

I complitely don't understand it.

This is item

It adds base elem damage. So totems MUST use it. This is absolutely bug. It's against logic.

This "Adds 1-4 fire Damage" has no "with wands" at the end. It adds GLOBALLY.
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Last edited by diablokiller1 on Aug 30, 2015, 7:08:48 PM
They are weapon Damage bonuses - that's why they are listed with the Wand's Damage, and do not list 'with Spells' in the description.

If a modifier can apply locally, it is a local modifier. It does not add globally.
Well i just read. What is written.

Increased cast speed WORKS with totems.
Increased projectile speed WORKS.

Add elem damage DOESN't
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Flat Elemental Damage does work with Totems - if your Totems deal weapon damage. RATs with Frenzy/Kinetic Blast/Power Siphon would benefit. It's no different from your own Skills in that regard, and frankly for someone who's been around for so long...? *shrug*
Sorry but that's total bs.

"Adds 25-49 Fire Damage" WILL NOT benefit totems

"Adds 25-49 Fire Damage to Spells" WILL benefit.

i say bs when i see bs. The first one has NO conditions on it. Means it just ADDS, without conditions. That's the second one that has condition. Means that it adds ONLY to spells.

That's wrong description and it IS bug. And u can't deny obvious.
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Last edited by diablokiller1 on Aug 30, 2015, 7:30:22 PM
Flame totem is a spell. All weapon modifiers apply locally unless explicitly stated otherwise. Period.

It's amazing how little it takes to get someone fired up over nothing.
IGN: Smegmazoid
Long live the new Flesh
The question is, how long of description do you want for each mod on a piece of gear? I'm good with short and sweet and visit the forums for more info.
diablokiller1 wrote:
Sorry but that's total bs.

"Adds 25-49 Fire Damage" WILL NOT benefit totems

"Adds 25-49 Fire Damage to Spells" WILL benefit.

i say bs when i see bs. The first one has NO conditions on it. Means it just ADDS, without conditions. That's the second one that has condition. Means that it adds ONLY to spells.

That's wrong description and it IS bug. And u can't deny obvious.

If it would have been a global bonus, it would have been specified. Just like they did with increased crit chance (weapon skills only) and increased GLOBAL crit chance (everything).

So for further reference:
- If the stat is on an item: no extra conditions means it applies only to the weapon (and skill that use weapon damage). Global increases will be specified.
- If the stat is on the passive tree: no extra conditions means it is a global increase.

It's a rule - if a mod can be local and it isn't specified to be global, it is local. In your case the damage bonus being local means it applies only to damage dealt using the wand itself and it won't apply to offhand weapon or anything else.

Compare it to added elemental damage on rings, it says 'to attacks' because the bonus is global so it needs to specify what it applies to. Local added damage bonus on wands can't apply to anything else so it needs no further info.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

Very funny actually how u try to defend false statements.
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