Just got a new mace, 2h ground slam mara, what to do with it.

obv fusing for better Linkage, but beyond that, what else would you personally do if anything? or should I just use it for the time being and wait for a more endgame mace?
try to get it 4L , maybe 5L depending on how many fusings you want to invest. i would not 6L it.

then just use it, its pretty good and will get you through all the content until you found a maroqui or wait for the ilvl77+ mod updates as announced in the latest patch.
IGN: Doenertier // Timezone: GMT+1 (Germany)
so you wouldnt bother to exalt it, just fuse it to 5l and be done?
i would not exalt it as it is now. But after fusing to 4-5L you might want to try your luck rerolling it with Chaos Orbs (a few) for higher physical damage% - could go wrong though, RNG an' stuff...

Currently i have not seen better Maces than Maroqui - but there are higher ilvl base items (Karui base is 57 and has the highest MAX-damage while higher ilvls have better overall DPS due to 1.2 to 1.25 attackspeed base compared to 0.95 )

i would wait on the ilvl77 updates too see what potential rolls await there.

(im still using a karui rare, too. although mine is pure physical with 399 max, no elemental)
IGN: Doenertier // Timezone: GMT+1 (Germany)

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