What to do with this currency?

I've got lots of:

Orbs of Transmutation
Orbs of Augmentation
Armorers Scraps
Blacksmith Wheatstones

What can I do with these? I don't want to "use" them, but can I trade them up somehow for chaos, fuse or ex using Masters?
brunowa wrote:
I've got lots of:

Orbs of Transmutation
Orbs of Augmentation
Armorers Scraps
Blacksmith Wheatstones

What can I do with these? I don't want to "use" them, but can I trade them up somehow for chaos, fuse or ex using Masters?

All of those can be converted to Wisdom scrolls and sold to other players for chaos. About 120-160 scrolls per chaos, depending on the demand.

Trans and Augs can be used to roll stuff and maps and boxes... excess convert to wisdoms.
ah i see... but who would want to buy 120-160 wisdom scrolls? :/
you could sell whetstones/scraps for a better rate for chaos or use it yourself with chaos/regal recipe to get 2/3 instead of 1/2
transmute/aug for strongboxes/low maps
transmute>gems with quality from masters>gcp
transmute>lapis/amber/agate amus from vendors after lvl ups>selling them to chancer for chaos

you see there are way more, and mostly, better ways to get something out of them instead of trashing masses of them to wisdom scroll to find someone actually needing masses

Transmutation orbs -> Augmentation orbs -> Alteration orb (Haku lvl6 helps) -> Jeweller's orbs (Elreon lvl6 helps) -> orbs of Fusing (Vorici lvl6 helps)

Armorer scraps -> blacksmith whetstones

Use your whetstones on your stone hammer / rock breaker / gavel, then :
low lvl map + 20%q stone hammer / rock breaker / gavel -> chisel

Whetstones and scraps are easy; do as the above said and grind maps into chisels, or use them for the Chaos/Regal recipe for an extra orb (turn in an unidentified full house with 20% quality for 3x chaos/Regal orbs).
IGN: Ikimashouka, Tsukiyattekudasai, DontCallMeMrFroyo

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