Filter doesnt work as intended

Hello folks,

I have a little problem with my loot filter.
Folowing lines in my main loot filter do not work, everything else does.

BaseType "Scroll of Wisdom" "Portal Scroll"

I still can see all scrolls on the floor. I've tried everything, it still doesnt work. Another plain filter with just these lines works, but my main filter with many other entries shows everything correctly, besides of these ridiculous scrolls...

Please help and tell me what I'm doing wrong:

# Section: Rare currency/cards
BaseType "Exalted Orb" "Divine Orb" "Mirror of Kalandra" "Eternal Orb" "Albino Rhoa Feather" "Fishing Rod" "Alchemy Shard"
SetTextColor 240 200 150 255 #Rarest Currency
SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 #Rarest Currency Border
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255 #Rarest Currency Background
SetFontSize 42
PlayAlertSound 8 100

BaseType "Gemcutter's Prism" "Regal Orb" "Vaal Orb" "Chaos Orb"
SetTextColor 190 170 150 255 #Uncommon Currency
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 250 #Uncommon Currency Background
SetBorderColor 60 40 20 255 #Uncommon Currency Border
SetFontSize 37

Class Card
BaseType "The Avenger" "The Brittle Emperor" "Abandoned Wealth" "The Doctor" "The Fiend" "The King's Heart" "The Wind" "The Queen" "The Fiend"
SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 #Rarest Currency Border
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255 #Rarest Currency Background
SetFontSize 42

Class Card
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 250 #Uncommon Currency Background
SetBorderColor 40 80 30 255 #Div Card Border
SetFontSize 37

# Section: Common currency
BaseType "Orb of Transmutation" "Orb of Augmentation" "Orb of Alteration" "Armourer's Scrap"
SetTextColor 135 120 90 #Low Currency
SetBorderColor 0 0 0 20 #Low Currency Border

Class Currency
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 245
SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255

BaseType "Scroll of Wisdom" "Portal Scroll"

# Section: Quality and rare gems
Class Gem
Quality > 0
SetBackgroundColor 0 30 20 255
SetBorderColor 0 50 160

Class Gem
BaseType "Empower" "Enhance" "Enlighten" "Portal" "Detonate Mines"
SetBackgroundColor 0 30 20 255
SetBorderColor 0 50 160

# Section: Zero quality gems
Show #Gems - Active Skill Gems Zero Quality
Class Active
SetTextColor 15 135 120 #Gems Zero Quality

Show #Gems - Support Gems Zero Quality
Class Gem
SetTextColor 15 135 120 #Gems Zero Quality

# Section: 5 and 6 links
Rarity = Normal
LinkedSockets = 6
SetBackgroundColor 20 20 20 255
SetBorderColor 180 180 180
SetTextColor 255 255 255 #Normal Highlight
SetFontSize 42
PlayAlertSound 7 100

Rarity = Magic
LinkedSockets = 6
SetBackgroundColor 0 20 40 255
SetTextColor 125 175 255 #Magic Highlight
SetBorderColor 0 150 200
SetFontSize 42
PlayAlertSound 7 100

Rarity = Rare
LinkedSockets = 6
SetBackgroundColor 30 30 0 255
SetBorderColor 180 180 60
SetTextColor 255 255 119 255 #Rare Highlight
SetFontSize 42
PlayAlertSound 7 100

Rarity = Unique
SocketGroup WWWWWW
BaseType "Simple Robe"

Rarity = Unique
LinkedSockets = 6
SetBackgroundColor 30 10 0 255
SetBorderColor 255 120 80
SetTextColor 180 100 20
SetFontSize 42

Rarity = Normal
LinkedSockets = 5
SetBackgroundColor 20 20 20 255
SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255
SetTextColor 255 255 255 #Normal Highlight
SetFontSize 36
PlayAlertSound 7

Rarity = Magic
LinkedSockets = 5
SetBackgroundColor 0 20 40 255
SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255
SetTextColor 125 175 255 #Magic Highlight
SetFontSize 36
PlayAlertSound 7

Rarity = Rare
LinkedSockets = 5
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255
SetTextColor 255 255 119 255 #Rare Highlight
SetFontSize 36
PlayAlertSound 7

Rarity = Unique
LinkedSockets = 5
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255
SetTextColor 255 100 20
SetFontSize 36

# Section: 6 socket items, and items with white sockets
Rarity Normal
SocketGroup W
SetBorderColor 40 40 40
SetTextColor 255 255 255 #Normal Highlight

Rarity Magic
SocketGroup W
SetBorderColor 30 40 60
SetTextColor 125 175 255 #Magic Highlight

Rarity Rare
SocketGroup W
SetBorderColor 60 40 30

Rarity Normal
Sockets = 6
SetTextColor 255 255 255 #Normal Highlight
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255
SetFontSize 36
PlayAlertSound 5

Rarity Magic
Sockets = 6
SetTextColor 125 175 255 #Magic Highlight
SetBackgroundColor 0 20 40 255
SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255
SetFontSize 36
PlayAlertSound 5

Rarity Rare
Sockets = 6
SetTextColor 255 255 119 255 #Rare Highlight
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255
SetFontSize 36
PlayAlertSound 5

# Section: Chaos and regal recipe
Rarity Rare
Quality >= 15
ItemLevel >= 75
Class Bow "Two" Stave "Helm" "Boot" "Glove" "Body"
SetTextColor 255 255 119 255 #Rare Highlight
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 40 80 30 255 #Regal Recipe Border

Rarity Rare
Class Ring Belt Amulet
ItemLevel >= 75
SetTextColor 255 255 119 255 #Rare Highlight
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 40 80 30 255 #Regal Recipe Border

Rarity Rare
Quality >= 15
ItemLevel >= 60
Class Bow "Two" Stave "Helm" "Boot" "Glove" "Body"
SetTextColor 255 255 119 255 #Rare Highlight
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 70 20 50 255 #Chaos Recipe Border

Rarity Rare
Class Ring Belt Amulet
ItemLevel >= 60
SetTextColor 255 255 119 255 #Rare Highlight
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 70 20 50 255 #Chaos Recipe Border

# Section: RGB / Perfect Quality
Rarity Normal
Height <= 4
Width = 1
SocketGroup RGB
ItemLevel >= 70
SetTextColor 255 255 255 #Normal Highlight
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255

Rarity Magic
Height <= 4
Width = 1
SocketGroup RGB
ItemLevel >= 70
SetTextColor 125 175 255 #Magic Highlight
SetBackgroundColor 0 15 25 255
SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255

Rarity Normal
Height 2
Width 2
SocketGroup RGB
ItemLevel >= 70
SetTextColor 255 255 255 #Normal Highlight
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255

Rarity Magic
Height 2
Width 2
SocketGroup RGB
ItemLevel >= 70
SetTextColor 125 175 255 #Magic Highlight
SetBackgroundColor 0 15 25 255
SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255

Show Large Items
Rarity Normal
SocketGroup RGB
ItemLevel >= 70
SetTextColor 190 190 190 #Normal "Junk"

Show Large Items
Rarity Magic
SocketGroup RGB
ItemLevel >= 70
SetTextColor 120 120 230 #Magic "Junk"

Rarity Normal
SocketGroup RGB
ItemLevel <= 10
SetTextColor 255 255 255 #Normal Highlight
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 55 55 55

Rarity Magic
SocketGroup RGB
ItemLevel <= 10
SetTextColor 125 175 255 #Magic Highlight
SetBackgroundColor 0 15 25 255
SetBorderColor 20 70 40

Rarity Normal
SocketGroup RGB
ItemLevel < 70
SetTextColor 255 255 255 #Normal Highlight
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255

Rarity Magic
SocketGroup RGB
ItemLevel < 70
SetTextColor 125 175 255 #Magic Highlight
SetBackgroundColor 0 15 25 255
SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255

# Section: Misc items of interest, rares, uniques
Rarity Magic
Class Jewel
SetTextColor 125 175 255 #Magic Highlight
SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255

Rarity Rare
Class Jewel
SetTextColor 255 255 119 255 #Rare Highlight
SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255

Rarity = Rare
SetTextColor 230 230 107 230 #Rare

Rarity = Unique

Rarity Magic
Class Map
SetBorderColor 145 160 240
SetTextColor 140 150 240

Class "Map Fragment" Quest "Hideout" "Micro" "Map"

Show #Flasks - Utility
Rarity Normal
Class "Utility Flasks"
ItemLevel >= 70
SetTextColor 190 190 190 #Normal "Junk"

Show #Flasks - Utility
Rarity Magic
Class "Utility Flasks"
ItemLevel >= 70
SetTextColor 120 120 230 #Magic "Junk"

# Section: Chance items, chisel hammers

Show #Misc - Chance Items
Rarity = Normal
BaseType "Sacrificial Garb"
SetTextColor 190 190 190 #Normal "Junk"

Show #Misc - Chisel Hammers
Rarity = Normal
BaseType "Gavel" "Stone Hammer" "Rock Breaker"
SetTextColor 190 190 190 #Normal "Junk"

Show #Misc - Chisel Hammers
Rarity Magic
Quality >= 16
BaseType "Gavel" "Stone Hammer" "Rock Breaker"
SetTextColor 120 120 230 #Magic "Junk"

# Section: Scaling Itemlevel Filter

Rarity = Normal
BaseType "Agate Amulet"
ItemLevel > 1
SetTextColor 180 180 180

Show #Jewelry - Normal ILVL > 79
Rarity = Normal
Class Ring Amulet
ItemLevel > 79
SetTextColor 180 180 180 #Normal Jewelry ILVL > 79


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Last edited by bersi23 on Jul 23, 2015, 7:07:58 AM
bersi23 wrote:

Class Currency
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 245
SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255

BaseType "Scroll of Wisdom" "Portal Scroll"


They are being show by your class currency cluster, before your attempt to hide them. Try flipping their order
IGN: AmandaPalmer, DresdenDoll, The_Killing_Type, MurderVictim
Yeah, that was it. Many thanks, dear Sir!
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