Auras/Blood Magic/Mana - need help

Ok I'll try to keep it short/simple. Basically I want to run a lot of Auras on my build. I'm level 60 right now and run grace on blood magic, determination/wrath on reduced mana on my mana (I have iron reflexes)

I also was running purity on mana with determination before grace/wrath.

So basically I want to be able to run grace/determination/purity/hatred and or wrath/and haste

And clarity if it helps more than hurts (which right now at level 8 and prior levels it wasn't doing much to help)

I'm just looking for insight on how much mana/mana regen I'll be needing to do something like this. As of now my base mana regen/mana is 6.5 and 324 (HP at 2700, I know low, farming up etc). I wouldn't mind running light strike on bloodmagic when i get a 5l or so item to do so. But I wanna see how much I could throw on mana and how much I should INVEST into mana % nodes and mana regen etc. So far I've only gotten mana reduction % for auras (10 of the total 20% available). I can't at all sustain using skills with even just 2 auras up or anything. Basically I'm incredibly starved and looking for all sorts of opinions etc so i can try to make the best choice

sorry if it's a bit confusing/all over the place. If ya have any questions lemme know :>

is my current tree

i need to get more HP near iron reflexes and the middle of the tree and what not. and near the top left where static blows is

i was considering iron grip since im using LS

also going to get those other mana reserves. although i'm considering not doing so and even refunding my current ones if i can get a good reason to (aka a way to still run plentiful amount of auras and not be mana/hp screwed).

Basically you need a level 20 reduced mana gem and 10% reduced reserved from talents to run 150% reserved, 15% reduced if you want to run 160%. 190% reserved (ie all the % auras) is impossible and the static reserve auras are terribly inefficient without mana talents.

Best bet is to grab the 10% and run Hatred, Haste, Purity, and Determination. Some people like Vitality but I've always found it to be quite replaceable and not worth the 40% reserved. Not sure why you're trying to leave any mana since the whole point of aura stacking like this is to leave the smallest percent of mana possible then Blood Magic all your other skills. You don't want any mana% or regen talents. Reduced mana cost is ok since it will apply to spells linked to BM, but the same points can usually be spent on life which accomplishes the same thing. Thus there's no reason for clarity and you should just Blood Magic your Wrath, Anger, and Grace if you go IR. If you don't have the life to spare to BM the static auras, you don't need them yet.
tyvm for the answer

i'll just leave my reserve as it is then and avoid mana % nodes i suppose too?

i need to get 5l+ item to test BM with my main attack skill (LS) to see how well i'll be able to do this

appreciate the help !

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