procurement vs acquisition

Hello everyone, never really tried one of these shop addons, which one do you recommend
i'm also curious to see what people have to say on this topic. i've used procurement and i was satisfied with it, and i've never tried acquisition although i've heard good things. i'd like to hear from people who have used both.
I switched from Procurement to Acquisition. Graphically, Procurement looks more similar to your stash. Acquisition takes a little more time to figure out, but after you do it's quicker to use. It's been a while since I've used Procurement so maybe it's different now. But for my shop I set tabwide buyouts. Like I name a tab "shop 1c" and then in Acquisition I set that tab to be 1 chaos buyout. Whenever I find something I want to sell for 1c, I just drop it in the tab. That's the end of my involvement. The next time Acquisition updates my shop, it automatically takes care of adding that item with a 1c buyout. And then it tells about it so that site updates with the new information. No need to bump threads or wait for to reindex my shop. i don't trade a lot, but I like Acquisition better.
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Last edited by mark1030 on Dec 18, 2015, 2:04:25 PM
I've tried both.

Procurement has a nice interface and is really intuitive to use but Acquisition seems to work faster and lag less.
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