Sunshine and rainbows

T1 I completely agree with.
T2 is mostly ok I guess (whoever is still continues the whole HC / SC debate deserves a probation imho).


Comments that are made to emotionally vent about an issue

What's wrong with writing "I f*** hate devourers / birdmen / necros" (I honestly do)?

Promotion is questionable! The whole umbra thread closure was probably the best example. What's wrong with promoting your band, another game, a video you made etc etc? That's what we have off topic for. No?

Posting in the correct index is a bit of a joke at the moment with the mess the forum is in.

Just my 2c.

Promotion of external products is allowable so long as you have received approval from support. Please email if there's a product or service you wish to post about on the forums.
Please contact if you need any assistance.
Sneakypaw wrote:

The question is, when does simply talking about an external product become advertising/promoting?

This should generally apply to people promoting their own products. Particularly, those that ask for money or for players to sign up to their website with their in-game content. If you're unsure it's best to simply check with support first - as the rule basically means, it's okay, just check with us first.

Posting about other games that you like in off topic is probably okay.
MonstaMunch wrote:
Posting about other games that you like in off topic is probably okay.

probably? I probably only found this game because there was a thread on GOG (in general discussion.....) about it and some people there brought me here. I still spend money there btw, it's not like they lost a customer.

I only said probably because if I had said "It's 100% okay, all the time!" some kind of weird circumstance would arise where it's actually not okay, but I already said it was so I'm stuck. It gets iffy when people ask for money, or ask people to sign up to something, but if you're just talking about another game you like and you want people to have a look that should be fine.

Also, I just wanted to mention - this is essentially a test run for the Forum Guidelines. If things aren't working, we'll change them. If you have any feedback about how they're going based on moderation action you've seen, or if you just have concerns you want to address, I encourage you to contact me so we can talk about it.

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