Sound of Amulet MTX - annoying as hell


i have bought recently the supporter pack, but i haven't played on live server since Beta access was included in the pack, but now i feel that the sound assets of the amulets, so called Shades, are pretty annoying while standing in town.

Is it possible to tune the sound little bit down or "improve" it in such way it is not annoying anymore? Maybe decrease the frequency. So far it pops up basically every stop i make in the town - i check vendor - pop up, i check my stash - pop up, i click on WP - pop up.

In my "what's most annoying in PoE" this is the number 2, after Scion speaking every move i make.

Good would be character specific sounds to have own slider. In terms of sounds i want to hear

- Drops!
- Drops!
- casting / attacking (good feeling to do big hits with big sounds)
- dialogues
- music
- ambient

With the introduction of Item filters and possibility to assign sound with actual sound level, it might be taken care of, but tuning down the sound of the Shade or frequency of the popping up would be very nice to have.
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I am not speaking on behalf of someone else and I don't get offended by things that have nothing to do with me.

3.13 was the golden age.

I guess no one else was bothered by this? Everyone sitting in town trolling constantly: Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, incessantly...
Siegelayer wrote:

I guess no one else was bothered by this? Everyone sitting in town trolling constantly: Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, incessantly...

It bothers me and a few of guildies as well. Also have seen the noise discussed in global on a few occasions. Never have gotten a response from a Dev about it though. You're right though it can get real tiresome listening to people spam it over and over again in towns. The worst offender is the blue demon effect (Lunaris). Feels like GGG just gave supporters a way to grief other players with a "Look at me, Look at me!"
Guild Leader - LÉGÄCY

POE is happy good luck fun time for great imperialistic leaders!

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