Can't upgrade hideout #1,608,365,197

Hey got my master (Tora) to lvl 7 and tried to upgrade my hideout from medium to large however wasn't given to option to upgrade it. I was using Elreon's tileset and that was successfully upgrade from small to medium upon hitting level 5 with him awhile ago. I went through the forums to look for possible solutions and fixes that I can do myself without any intervention such as swapping to Tora's tileset and then talking to her but still no option to upgrade. I then dismissed her and reinvited her to the lush hideout and tried to upgrade the hideout and still no option. I then talked to her in act 2 and created a hideout then talked to her and still no luck.

Here is a screenshot of my hideout.

To be honest I don't even know if this tileset is medium.

Bug #1,608,365,197

Thank you for your time and all you guys do for the community.
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You only need to upgrade if the master who's hideout you have levels and has an upgraded hideout. If you took a level 7 tora's hideout, it's already a large hideout.
Guild Leader The Amazon Basin <BASIN>
Play Nice and Show Some Class
It was a medium Elreon previously he's only level 6 so do I need to get him to lvl 7 even though my current tileset is Tora and she is lvl 7?
Whichever hideout you want is the master you have to level. If you want the large tora hideout, you get it when you take a level 7 tora's hideout.
Guild Leader The Amazon Basin <BASIN>
Play Nice and Show Some Class
Well I was able to get my 4th master which is what was my biggest concern however stuck at a medium size now.
If you have four masters, not counting leo, in your hideout, it is the large hideout.
Guild Leader The Amazon Basin <BASIN>
Play Nice and Show Some Class

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