Could I get some advice for my SRS aura build/set-up?

So I converted from a 6l staff to a wand+ shield SRS user to run a lot of auras for fun. I converted because I don't have enough for a good 6l staff. Surprisingly its working well for now but I am very squishy due to a lack of CWDT+immortal call+enduring cry.

Right now I can run 6 auras but I am not quite sure how to set them up to be more efficient. Here is my tree for reference and my gear.
My life is 3.6K and 3.5K mana. have about 2.6k Life and 680 mana left running 6 auras and 72 running purity of elements. I can maintain 25 raging spirits and use double vaal haste for clearing. I need to keep at least 153 dex to run level 20 haste/vaal haste which I get from 1 ring+ 1 dex node. (anything else is excess)


My 6link chest is pretty crappy but I haven't found anything else I can use or buy. I would drop the green socket for minion damage whenever I get a better chest. My wand is just there for cast speed and mana and I don't know if I should drop 285 chroms to recolor for cwdt combo. Maybe wait until new wands with cast speed implicit come out and fine something similar.

My concerns about my set up right now:
1) Where do I put my auras? I mainly run wrath+hatred+generosity+reduced mana in alphas, haste+reduced mana+clarity+AA in 4l. The ones left are in the prism guardian shield which is anger+reduced mana+ discipline. I could run purity of elements but I am overcapped in resistance, should I drop and opt it for vitality?

2) With EB changes my ES would apply to mana and be drained, would I still be able to run this build or would I have to get more life/life regen and vitality to keep my ES up with zealot's oath? Or should I just drop Eb all together?

3) Arctic armor still uses mana on the move so I would I have to drop discipline for either clarity/vitality? Which would be more efficient and would I still even have enough mana regen to sustain AA or should I run a lower level?

4) I'm very squishy even with AA at the moment, Should I drop an exalt to recolor my wand or a wand to 3R for the combo?

5) Do you think this build is efficient enough to play or I fucked up and should go back to 6link staff?
Last edited by Justinasia25 on Apr 24, 2015, 4:09:26 PM
Justinasia25 wrote:

My 6link chest is pretty crappy but I haven't found anything else I can use or buy.

If you have some Chaos orbs left you could try to reroll stats on your chest to get some +% ES. Armour seems to be the Achilles' heel of your build, so I suggest to use a Cwdt + Molten Shell + AA setup, the +skill effect duration nodes will also affect MS, so the explosion becomes more likely even with high leveled MS. If you don't have a Cwdt gem, you can (and should) cast MS manually.

The big disadvantage of SRS regarding defense is, that these minions won't body-block enemies, so you could also consider other minions to use as meat shield, like zombies or skeletons. A spell totem + summon skeletons setup would help you, I guess. Or just drop one of the various totems like decoy or whatever, because the mobs will favour totems over you to attack first.
Last edited by Salumba on Apr 24, 2015, 5:49:48 PM
The only sockets available for me right now are in the wand which I could color any way I need it to. But as they're my only free sockets, I really want to have the better dmg reduction set-up within it.

I may take out arctic armor and manually cast molten shell or place it in the white socket with increased duration and place flesh offering elsewhere. If I did as such then I only have two available sockets on wand. Should I scratch out cwdt entirely and opt for totem+summon skeleton? AA would be in there as well so I don't think I can cast it linked to spell totem... maybe decoy+totem increased area of effect?

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