Roller Coaster of emotions. First 6l :D

Leveling this guy in a random tropical island map.
Find this

So the run started out nice, before the boss I had already found 5 6S items, the hype was real.
Kill the boss and I see "SUPERIOR OCCULTIST VESTMENT" drop, I go full blown hype train.
turned out to be ...


So as I sit in my hideout pondering what to do, I go hey ! Lets use these jewelers and try to 6s a carcass jack I had laying around..... 37 jewelers in, I 6s it. The hype was real again.

I go hey, lets yolo my last 40 fusings, on the 31st fuse

The hype train is in full throttle today.
Last edited by Voxxism on Mar 5, 2015, 5:01:08 AM
congrats :)
shame on you.
Everytime you 6L with 40 fusing, another guy is spending more than 2k500 fusing to get the same result
IGN TylordRampage
This is why i never played new leagues more then 2-4 weeks
Getting 99% of the builds to be fun and efficient requires 5-6 L
Chris always said 6L should something for end game
Well how to play end game if i dont have a 6L
And to grind for months to get a 6L? or to scam on trades /trade flipping how most people get their 6L?
Sorry but dont get how a company doesnt want more money
This game is so ANTI-players you must be a nolifer to get end game gear
people like me who have a job and family will never get end game items/6L
Im playing this game over 4-5 years now dont even remember
Never got a good drop or a 6L, never played a character past a certain point because it was wall blocked by lacking a 6L or good gear
This is why i never bought a supporter pack . only few stash tabs
This game has so bad design and will die eventually.
I have 783 builds in my poe.planner
I played 3 of those in the last 2 years
Please more 1 shot mechanics so
i reduce it to 1 . Thank you.
gg mate, those feels when you first hit a 6 link, I felt literally dizzy for about 5 minutes.

My first. :P

My second was a gift:

Malone wrote:
shame on you.
Everytime you 6L with 40 fusing, another guy is spending more than 2k500 fusing to get the same result

not even :(

congrats OP!
"just for try, for see and for know"
kshuxxx wrote:
This is why i never played new leagues more then 2-4 weeks
... etc.

I find it somehow funny what you are saying here. After some small research, may I remind you that you once wrote the following in a trading-thread:

kshuxxx wrote:
To OP : "Please uninstall PoE immediately"
This game is not for YOU , you CLEARLY don't understand the GOAL of this kind of games.
The goal is to farm for items to improve your character, to GRIND for hours upon hours for that once piece you cant find, being ABLE to find that one piece with 2 clicks just
makes the whole experience CHEAP AND UNREWARDING.

Like i said earlier i dont even use TRADE in game what is the point in PAYING an item
when i can farm for it and feel the rewards of my work?
And D3 downfall wasnt the RMAH was the fact that people could gear up their heroes with 2 clicks
and then having NOTHING to play for after.
Exactly same thing will happen here , why WOULD YOU WANT TO FARM(play game because this is a farming game btw if u didnt noticed)WHEN YOU GOT THE BEST ITEMS IN GAME?
I learned my lesson from D3 and i wont ever buy items again i will farm them myself WAY MORE REWARDING.

P.S.: i love when people say this games "economy" .WHAT ECONOMY???????? THIS GAME IS NOT ABOUT SELLING ITEMS !!! ITS ABOUT FARMING THEM ,seriously people like you need to leave this game.

I highlighted the part, that I found especially amusing.

taken from this thread:
"The one who dies with the most toys is still dead."
- Geth, keeper of the Vault.

Good showcase of items guys

I got all these from Normal Brutus

You must be the first, and I'm guessing the last player who will ever get Atziri's Splendour from Brutus. My congratulations and sincere respect for winning the game ;)
davidnn5 wrote:
Good showcase of items guys

I got all these from Normal Brutus

You must be the first, and I'm guessing the last player who will ever get Atziri's Splendour from Brutus. My congratulations and sincere respect for winning the game ;)

That's really funny.

I got me second exalt drop two days ago and today got a 6L white Saintly Chainmail. I'm not really sure what to do with it, just kind of freaked to get one - been working with 4 links and very underpower gear till now. Am just going to look at it for a few days :-)

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