What is wrong with my Marauder build?

Hi, I've started a Marauder and got up to level 64 using molten strike as primary skill for my build but now i'm stuck at this level either by getting one-shotted by bosses/rare monsters/Rogue exiles (which are completly OP due to my armour and my resistance see below)
Or i get owned by those Rhoas
I don't even have any idea of what i need to improve if i can get more levels

I use Molten Strike with Life Gain on hit/Weapon Elemental Damage/Faster Attacks (Focusing on speed w/ clarity)

Passive Tree


Last edited by TheKill69 on Feb 28, 2015, 6:24:33 PM
I can't see your goal with this build, but it's maybe just me ;).

It is ofc always a bad idea to play a low-life melee build in poe. So you should:

1) get more life (on tree & gear) @3k

2) get more life (on tree & gear) @3k

3) get more life (on tree & gear) @3k

4) always max your resists on merc dif asap

5) armor and other stuff

look @poe.trade if you need a specific piece of gear. you will get it for a few chaos. .

Last edited by Quackology on Feb 28, 2015, 4:01:14 PM
You have way too little maximum life for a melee build and your level. At this point you should have at least 2.5-3k maximium life and all resistances at 75%. Your problem seems to be your passives but that should be rather easy to fix. Gonna have a look at it later and post some suggestions.

edit: You take a couple unnecessary nodes, especially when going from the Marauder to the Duelist area. This version of your build would have a bit more damage, armor and a ton more life for just two extra skillpoints and a bit less attack speed (would bring you to about 2900-3000 life with the same gear/level).

edit2: forgot the link
11.02.2013 - 11.02.2017: four year PoE anniversary!
Last edited by vargorn on Feb 28, 2015, 4:16:49 PM

Yup, there's your problem number one and just above it problem number two.

Maxed resistances are not a luxury or an option, it's an absolute must.

Also, at the point you enter maps you should have at least 3k health as a melee, that's the very least, optimally you would have 4k with strong tendencies for 5k later on. Fortunately, it's easy to fix, get more life and spec out of damage, you got too much for that level either way.

You actually have a very decent amount of armor, but just stacking armor is a wasted effort, very few players invest too much in armor passives. If armor is bread, endurance charges are butter (actually it's the other way around but no matter), so get some.

Oh, and try to fix your pathing a bit, you can scrounge up a few points there no problem.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

Last edited by raics on Feb 28, 2015, 4:13:51 PM
Thanks everyone i'll try to fix my passives
I already started to fix the amount of life (i had 1.2k before!)
vargorn wrote:
This version of your build would have a bit more damage, armor and a ton more life for just two extra skillpoints and a bit less attack speed (would bring you to about 2900-3000 life with the same gear/level).

I think this build (or a variation of it) is great; but if you're not going for any crit, I'd spend the extra 3 points on getting Resolute Technique. Also, going the Unwavering Stance / Iron Reflexes combo can increase survivability by a ton as well. Not only will you not get stunned, but it will give you more armour, free up a couple passives, and allow you to run Grace (if you can). Then, if you can get a Cast when Damage Taken gem, and link it to Warlord's Mark, you should be able to sustain mana indefinitely, as well as increase your survivability by a lot. Then you can get rid of the mana passives. This tree has a tiny bit less regen and attack speed, but caters to those changes.

Lastly, as mentioned, life on gear. Try to make sure every piece of gear (except for weapon) has 50 or more life on it.
Last edited by SponTen on Feb 28, 2015, 6:10:11 PM
No worries, about 90% (probably more like 98%) of all players will allocate way too few life nodes and put too little emphasis on reistances on their first build. My very first build had 1600 life and 40-60% resistances in the end of Merciless - didn't go so well. ;)

A couple more tips you might find helpful:
* one Quicksilver flask is usually enough, better use a Granite in your 5th slot. Since you have some nice armor scaling from passives, you will get a ton of extra armour that will help provide meaningful protection against some of the bigger physical hits like the ones from charging enemies or those huge skeletons and Vaal Fallen.

* you can directly link your gear/stuff in a post without having to take screenshots. Simply click on the character portrait in the upper left, select your char and click on what you want to link.
Example: if i do that for my char 'Rahovarto' and click on his ring, it shows
[linkItem location="Ring" character="Rahovarto" x="0" y="0"]
in my post which will then appear as

when i hit Submit or Preview.

* If you use axes and don't go crit, you might as well use Resolute Technique for 100% chance to hit. That also goes really well with Iron Reflexes and Unwavering Stance keystones. This is how i personally would make a 2H axe build but there are of course many different ways to achive a similar result.

edit: took too long to write and got ninja'd by SponTen with a very similar build approach ;)
11.02.2013 - 11.02.2017: four year PoE anniversary!
Last edited by vargorn on Feb 28, 2015, 7:10:58 PM
SponTen wrote:

I think this build (or a variation of it) is great; but if you're not going for any crit, I'd spend the extra 3 points on getting Resolute Technique. Also, going the Unwavering Stance / Iron Reflexes combo can increase survivability by a ton as well. Not only will you not get stunned, but it will give you more armour, free up a couple passives, and allow you to run Grace (if you can). Then, if you can get a Cast when Damage Taken gem, and link it to Warlord's Mark, you should be able to sustain mana indefinitely, as well as increase your survivability by a lot. Then you can get rid of the mana passives. This tree has a tiny bit less regen and attack speed, but caters to those changes.

Lastly, as mentioned, life on gear. Try to make sure every piece of gear (except for weapon) has 50 or more life on it.

I'll take note, thanks for the tips!
Didn't know i could get rid of clarity (i dont even have enough intelligence for it) for the Warlord/CoDT combo
I'll be getting Resolute Technique with Iron Reflexes while i can aswell as Grace

vargorn wrote:
A couple more tips you might find helpful:
* one Quicksilver flask is usually enough, better use a Granite in your 5th slot. Since you have some nice armor scaling from passives, you will get a ton of extra armour that will help provide meaningful protection against some of the bigger physical hits like the ones from charging enemies or those huge skeletons and Vaal Fallen.

* you can directly link your gear/stuff in a post without having to take screenshots. Simply click on the character portrait in the upper left, select your char and click on what you want to link.
Example: if i do that for my char 'Rahovarto' and click on his ring, it shows
[linkItem location="Ring" character="Rahovarto" x="0" y="0"]
in my post which will then appear as

when i hit Submit or Preview.

* If you use axes and don't go crit, you might as well use Resolute Technique for 100% chance to hit. That also goes really well with Iron Reflexes and Unwavering Stance keystones. This is how i personally would make a 2H axe build but there are of course many different ways to achive a similar result.

edit: took too long to write and got ninja'd by SponTen with a very similar build approach ;)

Forgot i could put my items in there as i'm new on this forum thanks
Last edited by TheKill69 on Feb 28, 2015, 6:53:54 PM
vargorn wrote:

I think you accidentally copied your original link, without RT/US/IR :P
SponTen wrote:
vargorn wrote:

I think you accidentally copied your original link, without RT/US/IR :P

Dang, you are right, thanks! I updated my previous post with the new link now.
11.02.2013 - 11.02.2017: four year PoE anniversary!

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