We need an Aura Effect for Corrupting blood.

So I just died to corrupting blood. I attacked some rare with a high attack speed, he had the substantial physical damage aura, I noticed the bleeding effect too late and couldn't react anymore.

Is CB damage over the top? It might be, especially if a rare has other mods making it skyrocket.

But I think many will agree if I say that we need a clear visual warning. Those charges aren't visible with Arc particles. We need something like the reflect aura, but red. A clear visual indication of what we're dealing with. I can't check every single rare's mods for CB, and I certainly can't do that after playing for hours.
We are going to shut down Beyond immigration into our maps until we find out what the Hell is going on!
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I can't check every single rare's mods for CB, and I certainly can't do that after playing for hours.

But...it's highlighted and at the top of the list of every one. What are you doing instead of glancing at the mods?
FYI: It's not a fantasy story, it's a cosmic horror story.
Except it's not an aura.

While visual effects would be nice - this game is already visually cluttered as is, and if CB gets it, then voletile blood should too, and nullifier, and berserker, and the blessings, and the bringers...

While I'm getting carried away, you get the idea. It's not feasible. Yea, getting CB out of a strongbox sucks, but then strongboxes have always sucked, and that's implied risk.
"But we still had a lot of fun, please don't think this comes from hate.
We bitch because we like you and we want you to be great!" ~Miracle of Sound
Loreweaver wrote:
I can't check every single rare's mods for CB, and I certainly can't do that after playing for hours.

But...it's highlighted and at the top of the list of every one. What are you doing instead of glancing at the mods?

Yeah, i dont get how people can spam attacks into a mob where they can tell theres a rare. Just glance at the rares mods real quick and bam, nemesis mod, corrupted blood, better be cautious. And all is good.

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