Betrunken's FirefromIce Build (Torment Witch 100k+ DPS)

Betrunken's FirefromIce Build
This build was developed for the Torment League. It is a burn prolif ice spear build. I may include a HC version at a later date.

The idea behind this build was to utilize damage conversion with (cold to fire and avatar of fire) and critical multiplier to do massive single hit damage that can be proliferated to support as AoE damage. This allows a single attack to be both the single target and AoE damage attack without having to worry about reflect. Ice spear was chosen for its good base damage, high critical strike chance at range and non AoE base attack. The single target DPS is over 100k with top gear and gems and the burn prolif is around 35k dps at that point. Cursing increases this significantly. This build could be a shadow or witch. I beleive the witch is slightly more efficient.

Dry Peninsula Lvl 73 Quick boss kill

Current Tree

High DPS (100k+ with top gear/ gems)
No issue with reflect
DoT allows for good movement to avoid damage
Inexpensive (no uniques needed although some can be very helpful)
Can run no regen mod (albeit without arctic armor)
Can solo all maps and bosses (so far)

Somewhat squishy
fast melee mods are annoying
hit or miss with group play

To me the playstyle of this build is an advantage, however some may not like it. It does require thought and skill when it comes to positioning and timing of the shot. As we have little to no increase in cast speed you must try and make each shot count.
Curse the mob with either flammability or assassins mark. Fire your ice spear into them at range. Once the ice spear hits and ignites (75% + chance) cast flammability if you used assassins mark. I have found that just using flammability works fine.
If the mob is close or is a fast melee mob such as the undying mobs in the scepter of god use ice wall to create distance. This works well as ice spear has 100% penetration before it reaches the second, high crit, stage. This allows for you to fire through the ice wall.
Lightning warp is used as the mobility skill and vaal flameblast is a great utility skill for boxes.

Main Attack (Chest)
Ice Spear + elemental prolif + Cold to fire + fire pen + added cold + critical damage
Ice spear, Elemental prolif and cold to fire are required. You can change out the others as you wish. My calculations show that this setup is the highest DPS setup. (although with the change to critical damage an argument could be made for increased critical strikes here)

Clarity + Disciplin + Herald of Ice + Reduced Mana
Clarity and Disciplin are used to power Arctic Armor. Herald of ice is a good damage boost (adding about 900 tooltip dps with my current setup).

CWDT + Enduring Cry + Immortal Call + Increased Duration
Standard CWDT setup.

Lightning Warp
Lightning Warp + Reduced Duration + Faster Casting
Standard Lightning Warp Setup

Faster Casting + Flammability + Assassins Mark
These are the two I use. Temportal chains would be useful to slow mobs, elemental weakness is better for groups than flammability. Feel free to change these to match your style.

Arctic Armor + Empower + Vaal Flameblast + Frost Wall
Arctic Armor is the only physical damage mitigation unless you get a Cloak of Defiance. Empower is needed to get it as high as possible. Frost wall and Vaal Flameblast are useful as mentioned above. Feel free to change these out.

General Description
Energy shield gear with high life and high resists. One piece of gear should be armor/ energy shield (my boots currently) to allow for 4 red sockets. Mana regeneration will be needed on your rings and amulet. The amount will depend on your AA level and how much ES you have. You will also need to get some Dex on your gear. The tree does not provide enough to support the gems.

Current Gear

Best in Slot Gear
Chest - 6l Cloak of Defiance
Weapon - Doryiani's Catalyst or dual daggers with high crit chance/ multi and spell damage. Only dual wield once gear provides enough ES without shield.
Gloves - Maligaro's Virtuosity.
Helm - Geofri's for AA and Empower.

You can level with any spell really. Once you get to avatar of fire and have a three link with Ice Spear, Cold to Fire and Ele Prolif you can start using the build as intended. Around level 40 or 50 you should be able to switch over to ES gear and AA.

Disclaimer - This is a guide for a build I developed. If I used another players build or guidance in creating this build I will give them credit in the write up. Keep in mind it is likely that someone else has done a similar build before and even possible (however improbable) that someone has done this build exactly. Just because it exists does not mean I have seen it or used it to create this build. I am not omnipotent.
Last edited by Betrunken on Jan 11, 2015, 4:37:57 PM

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