Dual Wield, Slam Leaping, Trigger Happy Marauder

I'm a total POE noobie, started 4 weeks ago and still very clueless but doing my best to figure this thing out.

My Marauder character is currently level 69, completed Merci Act 3 but not ready for the maps phase. I started originally with a 2H Axe but recently started experimenting. I wanted to add triggers and increase my DPS.

My build is now dual wielding with a Dyadus Infernal Axe in each hand. The main attack is multi fast Molten Strike. I have Leap Slam and Cyclone for rapid move/damage/escape.

I have triggers set up for;
CWDT Warlord's Mark and Immortal Call
CWDT Punishment
Riposte AND Vengeance
I have Molten Shell and Purity of Elements for added defense. (I put Purity in an unset ring cuz i was out of socket space)

* Molten Shell never really feels like it adds significantly to defense
I think i have a decent amount of leeching/life gain.
* I think i need to get lower CWDT and MK and IC since i was leveling up the gems and now the damage trigger is too high (kicks in around 2300 damage taken)

One area i'm trying to fix up is my elemental resists. I hadnt paid much attention to this and the results were predictable when faced with ele hits coming at me.
Resists (before Purity of Elements gem) are: Fire 38%, Cold 57%, Lightning 9%, Chaos -51%
* looks like these have improved: Fire Cold Lightning = 75% 75% 42% (with Purity)
Without Purity the numbers are 75, 57, 23
Chaos resist still -51%

I also think my Life should be higher (it's only 2358), so been trying to work that along with the ele resists.
* life is now a bit better at 2947 and armour is now 7097

My Crit Strike Chance (main hand and offhand) is only 14.4% which seems low

The character is fun to play - the melee attacks are fast and furious, the beefed-up leap slam is humorous to watch but also serves a practical purpose, and the triggers all seem to be kicking in. He's good in a crowd, but still vulnerable when something comes at me with lots of elemental attacks. In other words, i'm getting dead more than i want to be.

Now i'll try to link my gear and stats...

* i swapped belts. this is the new one:

Passive skill tree build

Offense and Defense Stats screens:

Videos showing the character in action:
* being uploaded to Youtube right now

Last edited by POXKaotika on Jan 6, 2015, 11:07:27 PM
That's a bunny alright. :D

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