Major FPS spikes in rain maps

So normally in POE i get a 30-60 fps fluctuation with my system which is perfectly playable and i can still enjoy the game just fine.

Now the problem is when i enter any map with the rain weather effect on, it creates insane fps spikes and I end up going between 0 fps and 60...

Here's a screenshot of me entering the Colonnade map and even after 5 minutes idle in the spawn I am still getting these fps spikes:

This fps graph is a joke, and i dunno whats going on. I'm running the game with mainly low settings, vsync off (when thats on i seem to get 30fps more than 60fps, than i do with it off) shadows on low , antialiasing off and texture qual medium. I've got a dual core cpu which i guess is the culprit, but I know some ppl have no problem with rain maps and are running dual cores... Any ideas ?

damn still no reply :(
This might seem counter-productive, but have you tried setting up a "frame limiter" to be the same as your monitor refresh rate?

IE: if you are running 60Hz monitor, set a frame limit of 60FPS. You can do this with something like NVidia Inspector or other software designed to control GPU functions.

It has been known to help others smooth out frame issues.

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