Is Haste an offensive aura?

Inner force does work on totems for "offensive auras" since 1.3.
Is there a list somewhere what aura is considered "offensive" and what isn't?
The wording from the patch notes could imply that we're talking about auras that add damage only, which would be sad. ASPD and CSPD aren't defensive, are they?

thanks for the clarification. :)
Perception is reality.
it does say some hurtful things...

I guess it would be considered an offensive aura since it boost damage output...
Either way it affects totems. Either it boosts their cast speed by aura or by having your cast speed.

I doubt it double dips but someone should look into that.
BreakingHearts/RhoaHood/BackAndVeryLate (Standard) | HushtailSweep/HushtailWeeps (Ancestor)
Either way it affects totems. Either it boosts their cast speed by aura or by having your cast speed.

I doubt it double dips but someone should look into that.

I just compared 21% "increased buffs on you" with 20% "increased effect of auras you cast".
It might be a weird rounding issue but my totem went from 0.28 to 0.29. I am going to stick to Inner Force and retest this once my gems are 20.
Perception is reality.
The change was about defensive Auras, not offensive ones.
Your Haste Aura effects your character not your Totem, because Totems are only affected by defensive Auras. But your Totems use your characters offensive Stats. So yes, Inner Force increases your Totems cast speed if using Haste.
IGN: Scordalia_

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