continuos random crash when loading screen new areas

thi message i send to support (via PM) but how i don't receive any answer in a few days i say here maybe anyone can help me.

well my game crash a lot of times in loading screens of maps. the next error message appear 4 or 5 times before the second error (the crash error)

first error: unable to MapViewofFile in MapChunk. Error code: 8. Offset: 2677997568 Size: 22371974. (this windows information appear 4 or 5 times)

second serror: microsoft visual ++ runtime library
Runtime error E:\patch of exile\client.exe (then game crash)

more info of interest: i have the lowest graphics in options.

-don't say me use the program to check if Content.ggpk it's bad, because i can't use in my windows (don't know why but i can't use).
-before open beta i get the same errors, one of us contact support say to me to remove and donwload again the Content.ggpk i was do but the crash continues until now (closed beta and open beta).

what can i do seems donwload again the Content.ggpk don't resolve my problem.

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