Sundaily Newsticker

MoonYu killed Hermitdragon
and made a movie out of it:

Bex specced into 2handed hammers.

Charan is actually Voidkriegs secret identity.

Bhavv finally merried a bee, not a wasp. And resorted to a peacefull live. Ok, that ones a Lie.

Hell still is frozen.

Chris learned a new consciousness of existance: "slightly less nerfed than completely nerfed"

PoE gets a new tier of shavs that drops slightly less and does the same things as shavs.

OT is dead and GameplayDiscussion never came to life.

-Itheryel peaced Itheryel-.

Say one word about "Which person should be shaved threads"

Hardlicker drowned again, like every weekend.

Crackmonster sorts glass, he earnes money, he pays taxes, he´s just like you. Don´t do drugs.

|||||||| ||||| || |||||||||II.

Besides that, nothing else happened.
Last edited by Lachdanan on Nov 9, 2014, 1:40:39 PM
I didn't kill her. I think.
It's a lie, a lie i tell you.

Chriss would never compromise on nerf's


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Jepp, i like those small differences between "is and should", "would and will" and "can and could" too.
That´s like the lifeessence of everyone into automation, for example 4milliAmpere and 20milliAmpere.
Or with other words: wishfull thinking and reality.
Do you remember the accident where they accidently sent out internal pms as devdiary-pm´s?
Let me tell you:
I do not negotiate with anyone capable of using the word nerf 5times within one sentence.
Nah, I'm too greedy to buy supporter packs and a personalized forum picture.

And too irresponsible to become a forum moderator. Let's not even talk about being an alpha member.
More PS!
I can't even afford a bird microtransaction, and I'm supposed to be the leader of a guild whose members are strongly advised to do so?
"Path of Exile needs a Circlejerk Subforum" -cypherrage
GGG nerfed my already nerfed kiwi when the last rounds of nerfs swept though with many needed needs, but my poor nerfed Kiwi now sits quietly waiting for me to return except I too have been nerfed.
Moonyu wrote:
GGG nerfed my already nerfed kiwi when the last rounds of nerfs swept though with many needed needs, but my poor nerfed Kiwi now sits quietly waiting for me to return except I too have been nerfed.

No demand's? I am disappoint.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
No demands. Lachdanan said he doesn't negotiate with people like me. So meh.
My weekend is a little fuzzy, just like my short term memory. Hopefully I don't have anymore kids on the way.
"Withdrawing in disgust is not the same as apathy"

Moonyu wrote:
No demands. Lachdanan said he doesn't negotiate with people like me. So meh.

Which means he will do whatever you demand of him!

go Goat!
made you look


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes

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