Buff Scion Nodes

The scion is meant to be a minor player, and not the defacto-class, but some of these nodes are a bit sad.

I'd do the following:
Spell Damage Line 12/7/7/7 (from 10/6/6/6)
Mana Line 25%/12/8/8 , but also give the shared mana regen first node 2% increased area of effect and 2% cast speed, synergizing with the other connected paths

Area of effect line - make hybrid 3% area / 4% area damage
Melee Damage line - make lesser nodes 7% (from 6%)
Projectile Damage line - make nodes 8/7/6/6

hybrid stat nodes, make 12/12

Shared node between block/melee damage/resists - make this more useful to all 3 lines - 8% increase melee damage / 1% block / 4% all resists

Resist line - make the 18% resists nodes only 16% (I'm still buffing this line from 28% all resists to 30% all resists, so this isn't a nerf)

Shared Node between Attack Speed / Crit Multi / Movement speed - make this more useful to all 3 lines - 3% increased attack speed / 10% global crit chance / 1% movespeed

Energy shield long path - make the 3 nodes closest to the scion exit (or the long path for other classes) 7%.

Make the block nodes % block while dual wielding, holding a shield, or holding a staff

Connect a line between the 3rd life regen node and the life wheel, creating a very health related line.

I'm not trying to move the Scion out of the niche category, but I'm trying to remove some of the current nerf. You see, all the good notables from the scion are made on the outter edge, so anyone can basicly pick them up for free, without needing to move through the lesser nodes. Meanwhile, the base scion nodes (like spell damage) only average 7% or worse. And I'm just looking to put these at 8%. In comparison, people often don't pick up nodes when playing as a Witch or Shaddow simply because they only average 10%.
Last edited by DragonsProphecy on Oct 31, 2014, 11:09:58 AM
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Scion doesn't need buffing. Making it this way will make her the poe's main class.
Path of Trade Chat
Matterform wrote:
Scion doesn't need buffing. Making it this way will make her the poe's main class.

Far from it.

Those are mild tweaks, leaving the spell damage for example at averaging 8%, up from 7%. Keeping this mild was intentional.

The Fire Damage line above the witch has nodes 10+12+12+12+12+25 = 71 / 5 = 14.2. The witch starting nodes are 16+16+10+10+10+16 = 78 / 6 = 13. The next nodes in the witch are 8 + 18 = 26 / 2 = 13. The Shaddow nodes are 16+12+10+10+10+20 = 78 / 7 = 13...

Most builds concerned with efficiency seek nodes averaging over 10%.

The builds I've played recently are just stronger as other classes, and these changes wouldn't change that. Sometimes, despite this, I just make a Scion because I want to play a Scion. These characters are viable, but it makes me feel pretty stupid for choosing to play a character who is just worse...

When comparing 7% averaging nodes to 13% averaging nodes, the 13% averaging nodes are 85% better. I'm trying to lower that to only 62%. Hardly op.

So moving from 7% to 8% isn't asking for much...
Last edited by DragonsProphecy on Oct 31, 2014, 2:12:28 PM

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