How do you kill monsters with gold bubble around them?

Hi there,

Every now and then I come across a bad-ass boss monster who is engulfed in a big gold bubble. I would attack, attack and attack and try different things but nothing seems to break into his bubble and actually hit him?

What's the trick to killing these types of monsters?

Conversion trap.
You need to be inside the bubble to deal damage.
My main character is a bow character. I've found an easy and slightly less easy way to handle proximity shield (the gold bubble).

Not as easy way: step inside the bubble and attack. The shield negates all attacks with an origin outside of the shield.

Easy way: throw down a puncture trap (any other trap, or probably totem, would also work). A trap has a point of origin of the trap itself, so as long as the trap lands within the shield, the enemy is hit.

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