[Beyond] Nordsmark's super top unique never done before flameblast

ya hi this is nordsmark im a videogameplayer and i play in beyond on this shadow here with this skill thats pretty obscure (im p sure u've never heard about it d/w about it) - flameblast.

I do very interesting stuff with this build like running a ROTP, spell echo, high level AA and carcass jack. Yah, buckle the fuck up 'cus you're in for a ride.

So uh, the skill tree:


but nordsmark ur not running IR and MOM ur gonna die!

~ u

shut the fuck up i have this shit under control its gonna be ok i can do it like this im running fucking haste to charge faster and im running fast like fucking sonic the hegehog and ppl like me cus they get fast as well so yah fuk u i do what i want

~ me

So yah u just figure out whether u want to get dps or survivability first, inner force is p nice cus +1 extra fire res and it boosts AA (also mana drain but ur big boy and can handle that and if u cant then u should probably git gud).

OK so spells/links and shiet:

main skill: motherfucking flameblast (get quality its v important) - spell echo - prolif - conc effect - fire pen - inc aoe/faster cast as 6l.
get a fukin 5l at least, u can also use tabula and run discipline instead of haste if u need the regen for AA. u dont need ignite gem cus u get 30% from quality flameblast and 20% on the tree.

cwdt - end cry - ic - increased duration
do i even need to explain this holy fuk

red mana - clarity - pof - haste (or discipline if u need mana regen cus gear bad)
its ur fukn auras, u get mana regen and max fire res so u dont kill urself (u probably should tho)

light warp - red duration - faster cast
yah ull p much be warpin all over place like brazilian playing f2p mmo with 350-500 ping

flammability/ele weakness - AA - empower
to kill stuff better and to make stuff not kill u better

last 4l u can do whatever with, vaal haste or some shit u can figure it out urself fgt

next up we have flasks and gear i guess

i suggest getting 2 seethings (with whatever suffix, staunching is nice) and a ruby of warding. last 2 u can do whatever, i have granite of iron skin cus no armour and eternal life flask.

Gear? uh


something like that i guess

how about some of my stats?????

i cba screenshots etc cus im a fag but i have 5.3k hp, enough mana regen (like 340 or something wtf) and 88 fire res. pop ruby, get 98 fire res bathe in anything fire and never die to reflect ez igna is a fukin bitch l0l

flameblast is at ~2.2k tooltip at ~10 casts per sec. most of the dmg comes from elemental/fire dmg clusters as well, which double dips the burn (which spelldmg doesnt). basically the burn is p damn nice and the high cast speed means u don't have to stand still much so ur p mobile and can dodge a lot. this is why im not ded at 92 with only aa and flasks as defense. im probably gonne die at some point but whatever this is fun fuck u

nordsmark pls show me video of u doing something

ok here's a few videos

fuck u im not fuking gonna bother recording and uploading video lol. just imagine guy warping around and watching stuff burn its gr8

here watch me play another videogame instead https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYvl-k-eDqs&index=2&list=PLWQ5DRJ8rSo5qyl3oJG4zXf0T1EdTrH74&hd=1 its bad game tho lol

ok ty 4 read if u have question then fuk u (sry thats r00d ill maybe answer question idk)
i can attest 2 this build being good at stuff. maybe if u do this build u will get his rng too and get kaoms, soultaker, pledge, and w/e 5+ ex uniques he got to be able to die with mjolner and buy another one. also nords is a fgt.
dont listen 2 implo he is mad cus im so good at videogames i get all the drops also i didnt rly die with mjolner i swear it was accident but yah im a fgt
your build is just a super simple basic boring flameblast build.
you dont even understand the true power of flameblast.

poor offense and defense as well.

your build is just a super simple basic boring flameblast build.
you dont even understand the true power of flameblast.

poor offense and defense as well.

>League: Rampage

+1 for the Writeup it's so amazing
IGN shdowe

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