Path of Exile: Freedom Unite

The goal is simple, summon all the Beyond Uniques and kill them at the lowest possible level.
Because its fun, that's why.


This isn't so much a challenge as it is more just a log of attempts. Included are any noteworthy things found during said attempt.

If any fellow demon slayers/lunatics wish to share their experiences/attempts, feel free to do so.

Things that need Clarification

1. The exact summoning mechanics for the Beyond league

From personal experience, it seems that monsters drop a single portal on occasion. Rarity of said monster does not seem to affect the chance for a "dormant portal" to spawn.(?)

More than 3 dormant portals in an area will cause a summoning of 3 blues and 1 rare mob.
The 3 blue mobs each have an active portal linked to them, killing the monster closes the portal.
Killing the rare doesn't seem to do anything with the portals.(?)

Getting at least 3 groupings of these basic portals will summon a unique.(?)

2. Abaxoth, The End of all that is.

Ive never managed to get this guy, but judging by the fact the name doesn't have an associated element, Im guessing this is the "ultra boss". (?)

By extension of the above, how many portals does it take to summon this one. (?)

3. Level Gating?

Ephijj minions only seem to spawn in cruel and up (on day 1 release). Since the later patches, Ive encountered them earliest in act 3 normal.
Again, personal experience, no hard facts here.
Thus are there any of the bosses that are hard gated by map/player level. (?)

Mechanical Notes

1) At lower levels...

- You have access to less links and less gems.

- Having adequate defence and offense is easier to obtain.

- Standard mobs spawn in less quantity, getting portals may be harder. Unless it the spawn chance is scaled to difficulty, again need confirmation.

- You level so fast that if an attempt fails, you pretty much overlevel the map next try.

Have honestly no idea whether the uniques are more dangerous to low level character or a high level one.
Personal guess would be easier.

2) There is no fixed build for this. Currently working on an optimal setup, which will change depending on how early in the game these uniques can be found.
At the moment, leaning towards a fire trap + poison arrow character.

3) Currently using a "feasibly" geared character. Meaning no specific power-levelling setups are used, the gear is appropriate for a run of the mill low level alt (Some hand me downs from mains etc.)

4) That being said, this is not a challenge with set rules. So if you want to use a very decked out char with lots of levelling uniques etc. its fine.
Grouping isn't forbidden either.

End Notes

- I will be busy for awhile, hence will not be able to do any more attempts in the near future.
- Feel free to post your own attempts, but do note that I will not add them to the first post.


Encounter 1
Normal Difficulty, Southern Forest
Ranger, Glacial Hammer, Fire Trap, Molten Strike, 2Hander

Accidental summoning.
2 Ape packs + Snake packs + Strongbox + Shrine.
Encountered on a character not specifically built for the job, used Fire Trap to cull minions.
Had to port to town for refills and equip GH for 1-target dmg.
Blues consisted of Bloods of Haast, Tzteosh Eyes, Fleshes of Bameth.

Result - Kill

Encounter 2
Normal Difficulty, Ledge
Scion, Spectral Throw, Cleave, Decoy Totem, 2Hander

Intentional summoning.
Used Decoy Totem to pull as many monsters to Kuduku's platform as possible.
Pull wasn't very clean, had to port to town several times to refill flasks and stack more mobs.

Could probably have killed with a better kiting build and a group for cleaner pulling.

Result - Reep

Last edited by lemonades on Aug 29, 2014, 3:33:12 PM

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