Looking for viable SpectralThrow 2H Build for Scion

Hey guys,

as the title already says, I'm looking for a viable 2h ST Build for the Beyond League. I didn't played PoE since the last Ladder started, and they changed so much in the Skilltrees, that I'm totally uncertain how to skill.

Currently, I'm running this Build: http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgAAA5YxnjWSOuE7KEGHSshaUmBDbj1uqoMJm12mV6iatfK3Pti98kXyl_no_go=

How should I proceed and what Auras would you recommend me to take?
From Hunter and Gatherer,
to Role-Playing Games
Push, no one?
From Hunter and Gatherer,
to Role-Playing Games

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